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What is the meaning of ESTJ?

Each of the 16 Personality types consists of four letters corresponding to a fundamental personality trait for the type. Tailored questions find your combination of four sets of opposing traits—introverted versus extroverted, sensing versus intuitive, thinking versus feeling, and perceiving versus judging. ESTJ stands for Extroversion (E), Sensing (S), Thinking (T), and Judging (J) personality traits.

What are ESTJs like?

ESTJs (Executives) are organized, practical, and level-headed people with a strong sense of responsibility. Assertive by nature, they eagerly assume leadership roles and skillfully unite people to work toward common goals. Since ESTJs value rules, structure, and tradition, they are excellent at bringing order to chaos and establishing guidelines for everyone to follow.

Enterprising and ambitious, Executives spare no effort to achieve their personal and professional goals. When faced with a challenge, they don’t lose their cool and instead look for the most efficient solution and quickest way to get back on track. Oftentimes, they rely on their past experience to anticipate and prepare for potential obstacles.

ESTJs have a robust work ethic, so it’s only natural that they don’t tolerate laziness, incompetence, and disobedience to rules and authority. Since they are rather outspoken, they may come off as demanding or overbearing. At the end of the day, however, they simply want and expect everyone to do their part in fulfilling their duties and responsibilities.

ESTJ characteristics

Common strengths

Dedicated and hard-working

True to their name as “the Executive,” ESTJs excel at getting the job done. They are the masters of following through on a plan, often taking on responsibility for completing a task when others won't, and putting in the extra effort to see it through.

This personality type can show great resilience when others might give up on a task that has become difficult or drawn out. This excellence in their work ethic can inspire others to do the same.

ESTJs are so committed that they often prefer to finish a task at the expense of personal time, and will enjoy the rush of knowing they have completed a job to the highest of standards. While other types may not understand this level of drive, ESTJs genuinely enjoy the process. Because of this reputation for dedication, friends, and colleagues of ESTJs always know that they can be relied upon.

Self-confident leaders

As an Extroverted (E) type, ESTJs are quite social, often naturally falling into leadership positions due to their excellent eye for detail and capacity to plan. As leaders, ESTJs are good-natured, utilizing humor to connect and motivate others to do their best. This sociable side is often used to help offset their strong principles and commanding presence.

Although more sensitive personalities might find them intimidating, in actuality, ESTJs are direct, honest, and driven. They believe in decisive action, and will faithfully defend their principles—until they are presented with irrefutable evidence for change.

Because of their self-confidence, and mental resilience in the face of challenge, these personality types are reliable bulwarks, always leading from the front and expecting the same excellence from those close to them.

Responsible caretakers

With high value placed on stability and security, ESTJs prefer a straightforward and honest method of communication. This personality type truly believes in the importance of the rules, and applies those standards to themselves just as much as others.

Because of this sense of personal responsibility for the state of their world, Executives can often find themselves becoming stewards and caretakers of the people around them.

With such a strong moral compass, and the assertive nature to take action, ESTJs find themselves drawn to areas they think they can make a difference. This usually means they take pride in having a strong presence in their communities, assisting and protecting anyone they perceive to be under their care.

ESTJs can be relied upon to keep society functioning smoothly, volunteering to look after the spaces they inhabit—both because their loved ones will appreciate it, but also because it's the right thing to do.

Efficient organizers

ESTJs enjoy creating order from chaos, striving to create a predictable and secure environment by establishing clear rules and responsibilities. Utilizing their thinking (T) trait, Executives are practical and realistic about approaching tasks, enjoying the process of sorting disorder into a working system. This personality type normally approaches challenges by establishing easily manageable goals, before delegating responsibilities to those they can trust to get the job done.

Big fans of list-making, ESTJs exercise control over the world around them to prevent things from becoming unpredictable and unreliable. They enjoy taking on a role in planning events and spreading the joy an efficient and working system can bring by taking the pressure off of others. You can trust the ESTJ in your life to show care through acts of service—no one appreciates clear and dependable plans more.

Common weaknesses

Difficulty with emotions

Although externally confident and happy, ESTJs can struggle with emotional self-expression and understanding the emotions of others, especially when they seem illogical. They can struggle to accept people who use their emotions as excuses or make important decisions based solely on their feelings.

Because of their dislike for emotional expression, ESTJs can sometimes come across as abrasive, blunt, or lacking in empathy. They aren’t intentionally being ill-tempered, and often regret any harsh words. Executives don’t possess the instincts of their feeling (F) counterparts, and may have to remind themselves to consider the emotional requirements of others.

When in emotional distress, the ESTJ might deny their true feelings, instead choosing to put on a positive face and ignore their needs. To combat this, self-aware ESTJs should practice getting in touch with their own emotions, and acknowledging that not everything can be fixed immediately or understood rationally.

Exercising this compassionate approach to themselves and others will improve their relationships, and a little bit of patience from their friends and colleagues can help provide a safe space for them to explore their emotional needs.


Committed to finding the correct solution, the naturally driven approach that ESTJs possess can lead to choosing the most efficient or time-proven strategy over all others.

Executives know what works, and would prefer not to deviate from that course of action even if this impedes finding a better solution. Due to their principled disposition, ESTJs can even find themselves defending courses of action in an unintentionally argumentative or stubborn manner.

Despite this inflexibility, ESTJs just want things to work. They often appreciate someone helping create the best solution with them, as long as the planning phase doesn’t drag on needlessly.

Additionally, they hold others to the same high standard as themselves, subconsciously expecting anyone who has a better idea to speak up confidently and defend their plan with the same level of ardor as an ESTJ would.

This personality type should make an effort to be objective, letting new ideas improve on old ones and giving other personality types the room to try new things.

Reliant on structure

ESTJs enjoy structure and thrive in environments where their hard work is rewarded. The emphasis placed on achievement can become problematic, however, leading to workaholic behavior and perfectionist tendencies.

Their focus on achieving goals can lead to a reliance on external validation and social status. Ultimately, an Executive’s drive to succeed leaves them susceptible to burnout, and they may struggle to relax when they have nothing to do.

When no tried and true solution to rely on can be found, ESTJs may struggle with implementing untested or unconventional ideas. Fluctuating scenarios where their reliable methods no longer work can cause this personality type a lot of stress!

Additionally, when the planning phase seems to be unnecessarily long, ESTJs can find themselves wishing to pick any solution rather than prolong taking no action indefinitely. Executives should practice patience, and learn to rest between projects without filling their to-do list. Taking on hobbies that encourage lateral thinking, or teach tranquility, will help them to be their best—and healthiest!—self.

Judgemental and stubborn

While the success of ESTJs certainly relies on their commitment and drive, this can also lead to a “my way or the highway” attitude when taken too far. The self-belief this personality type possesses can lead to Executives believing that their opinions are objective truths, and that any deviation from this is an unnecessary waste of time.

With so much emphasis placed on efficiency and security, ESTJs almost always prefer the sure option to the innovative alternative, without bothering to investigate whether it might create a better result.

ESTJs can sometimes be impatient and judgemental with others who choose to embrace unconventional lifestyles. Some ESTJs may even see it as their duty to set the record straight, sure that they know the moral and social “right way to do things.” This behavior can become a significant problem, and people with this personality type should practice acknowledging that there is often more than one right way to accomplish a task, that snap judgments don't always capture the whole truth.

What are the special interests of ESTJs?

Although ESTJs can find it hard to drag themselves away from work, it is not unusual for them to bring the same level of dedication to their personal life as in their professional one. The ultimate project completer, an ESTJ has likely ensured that everything is up to standard in their own home before branching out to help others with their practical leadership skills.

Wanting to build an aquarium or organize a community garden? The ESTJ will find a way to fit both into their growing list of fun ways to fill their time. Alternatively, ESTJs can also benefit from forced relaxation from time to time, to prevent overworking themselves in their free time.

  • Community service
  • Team sports
  • Woodworking/building
  • Going to the gym
  • Planning holidays/events
  • Managing the home
  • Hiking
  • Yoga
  • Meditation

Interacting with ESTJs

Executives have a strong sense of loyalty to their friends and loved ones, going out of their way to defend them from life’s difficulties with forward-thinking and structure. Despite their extroversion (E), ESTJs will generally be reserved, choosing to express themselves through actions rather than words.

The loyalty of an ESTJ means that their friends are their second family. They enjoy making a positive impact on the lives of those around them, and being appreciated for their input. If you have an ESTJ in your life, they will likely be a predictable force of stability, able to shape the world around them to keep you safe and happy.

In a relationship

As in other parts of their lives, ESTJs value honesty and direct communication. Perhaps that is why, unlike other types, the Executive can be so clear about their relationship expectations from the beginning. Once they’ve found the right person, ESTJs want to communicate their commitment early, perhaps even planning marriage and retirement goals.

The Executive will strive to protect their partner from the difficulties of life, taking on extra burdens without being asked to ensure things run smoothly. There is nothing they appreciate more than a partner who trusts and appreciates the stability they aim to create in a relationship.

The trials of romantic life don’t phase the ESTJ. They’re willing to put in the work to be there on time, solve the crisis, and take a hands-on approach to show their partner their love. They know they’re committed for the long haul—the world might change, but their love won’t. This can be refreshing stability in the modern world of noncommittal flings.

The ideal partner of this personality is someone who won’t mind taking a more relaxed approach, or is willing to follow the Executives lead with enthusiasm. The Executive will prefer someone who understands that love can be shown in non-verbal ways, such as acts of service and spending quality time.

Living with an ESTJ

The home of an ESTJ is their castle, and subject to the whims of their projects! No one has ever complained that the ESTJ hasn’t pitched in to help with practical tasks, maybe even inventing some new ones. Keeping the house in order is their pleasure, and they highly appreciate anyone who is willing to assist.


Dedicated and hardworking can take on a different meaning when transposed to the bedroom. Executives enjoy using touch to express their emotions, and will do so often. The ESTJ can certainly bring their characteristic vigor to the forefront when it comes to physical intimacy, relying on the extroverted (E) and sensing (S) traits to keep the atmosphere fun and engaging. Although they may struggle to use this opportunity to express their emotions verbally, partners of ESTJs should keep in mind that actions can speak louder than words.

Potential challenges

For ESTJs, relationships which constantly challenge their opinions and actions can be difficult, which might arise in relationships with strong feeling (F) and Prospective (P) traits. Rather than bend to demands for change, the ESTJ is likely to become more stubborn in the face of opposition.

A partner who does not enjoy, or actively dismisses the traditions and habits of an ESTJ is unlikely to be tolerated. An Executive wants nothing more than to create a strong family unit that follows their ideas of morality and responsibility. They will be most happy with someone who agrees with their principles, and are unlikely to stay in a relationship where those principles are fundamentally challenged.

Even in relationships where things go smoothly, conflict can occur. Unfortunately, ESTJs are prone to creating their own problems due to their inflexible nature. In attempting to protect their partner from life’s challenges, ESTJs will happily take on extra burdens, but may inadvertently end up expressing controlling behavior.

The Executive’s strong belief that “their way is the right way” means they may not understand when their partner wants to try something risky, or face their own issues rather than be defended.

Although it comes from a place of love, ESTJs should be careful not to ignore the wishes of their romantic partner to avoid a breakdown in communication due to their stubborn resistance.

Relationship compatibility

Although any two individuals can make a relationship work with the right amount of effort, in general, ESTJs will appreciate certain traits in a partner. Executives are natural leaders, matching well with someone who will appreciate their hard work and not try to change them too much.

ESTJs can find great romance with INTPs and ISTPs, due to their introverted (I) and thinking (T) traits as they’ll understand the Executive’s rational approach and be willing to take a step back when necessary.

As a parent

ESTJs are usually traditionalists who will lay out clear ground rules and expectations for their children. Preferring a leadership role in the family, Executive types will expect their children to be involved in helping keep the household running.

To an ESTJ, being a parent is about instilling the correct values in their children, raising them to be helpful, hard-working, and respectful. Bonding over shared activities, an ESTJ will show parental love through establishing traditions that they can enjoy together.

During conflict

ESTJs usually take on the role of the disciplinary parent, allowing them to utilize their leadership skills and set expectations. When conflict arises, this personality type does shy away from it, preferring to face the issue with their charismatic, direct, and solution-focused demeanor.

As caretakers and defenders of their families, ESTJs are vocal advocates on behalf of their loved ones, and can perhaps be a little unrelenting in their search for a just resolution.

Due to their principled disposition, ESTJs can inadvertently be the source of conflict within their families—especially when considering the parent and teen dynamic. The Executive may feel that the natural exploration and risk-taking behaviors of teens are an affront to the security and safety they have created.

When attempting to navigate this discord, the children of ESTJs will never suffer from communication breakdown due to ambiguity or emotional game playing. The ESTJ can always be counted on to communicate their expectations in a clear manner.

As a friend

Executives make strong and dependable companions, seeking out friendships based on trust and loyalty. Like their other relationships, these friendships can last a lifetime. Often, this will be based around a shared hobby or pastime, like a sports team.

With an ESTJ in your life, however, you can always expect new plans to crop up. They love friends who can drop by to help fix things around the house or go on a holiday.

In group settings, you can expect the ESTJ to be friendly and extroverted, but reserved. They don’t necessarily enjoy being the center of attention. They know their role in the group dynamic, and always pay attention to make sure everyone is having a good time.

Although ESTJs might struggle to keep friendships where they are constantly exposed to radical opinions, some healthy opposition can be good to broaden their horizons—as long as it is communicated in a loyal and rational way.

ESTJ personality growth tips

To emphasize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses, ESTJs should learn to:

  • Practice positive reinforcement. ESTJs are prone to expressing more criticism than praise. However, celebrating people’s progress can bring better results than focusing on their flaws and mistakes.
  • Accept others. Instead of expecting others to live up to the expectations they set for themselves, ESTJs should learn to embrace people’s individuality and uniqueness.
  • Let go of control. While it may be difficult, Executives should learn to take it easy and become more comfortable with not being in control of situations all the time.
  • Take a closer look at themselves. Sometimes, ESTJs judge others without noticing their own shortcomings. To avoid appearing arrogant and cultivate humility, they should make time for introspection.

Career path

Whatever field an ESTJ decides to pursue, the strong work ethic they possess inevitably leads them to take on supervisory or leadership roles. Loyal to their commitments, ESTJs easily rise from entry-level positions as their colleagues and superiors recognize their reliability and aptitude for creating order.

This personality type is often drawn to established industries or companies where they can utilize their expertise in people management and organization. ESTJs are also likely to stay with the same employer for an extended period, forming bonds of respect and trust with members at all levels of the hierarchy.

Their desire to take on responsibility can lead to hardship, however. Despite being very mentally resilient, ESTJs are liable to take on too much work, or have their work ethic abused by others. People with this personality type should be careful not to let their need to see things done right lead to burnout.

If this sounds like you, don't forget to make the most of your ability to inspire others to action, and be sure to delegate tasks equally to avoid taking on more than your fair share.

Best ESTJ career matches

Since ESTJs are decisive, analytical, and result-oriented people with a deep sense of duty and organization, they often make excellent:

  • Army Officers
  • Auditors
  • Business Managers
  • CEOs
  • Construction Managers
  • Engineers
  • Financial Managers
  • Judges
  • Loan Officers
  • Operations Managers
  • Pilots
  • Police Officers
  • Project Managers
  • Sales Managers
  • Sports Coaches

Worst ESTJ career matches

Executives rarely choose solitary and creative careers. They also tend to avoid jobs that require substantial emotional involvement or are too unpredictable.

With this in mind, here are some of the worst career matches for ESTJs:

  • Elementary Teacher
  • Mental Health Counselor
  • Social Worker
  • Web Designer
  • Writer

Celebrities with the ESTJ personality type

ESTJs are methodical, organized, and possess the capacity to inspire those around them to maintain order. Their love of structure means you’ll likely find some recognizable ESTJ politicians and business owners.


  • Hillary Clinton
  • Michelle Obama
  • Margaret Thatcher
  • Theresa May
  • Ella Baker (civil rights activist)


  • Henry Ford (of Ford Motors)
  • Martha Stewart

Actors and entertainers

  • Emma Watson
  • Uma Thurman
  • Lucy Liu
  • Alec Baldwin
  • Judge Judy
  • Daisy Ridley


  • Tom Clancy (Rainbow Six)

The bottom line

ESTJs, also known as the Executive or the Director, are guardians of order and security, using their strengths in organizations and dedications to make positive change in the world around them through action.

Loved ones of ESTJs will know that this personality type can be relied upon unconditionally, and will always go above and beyond to bring people together to find a sensible and achievable solution.

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