Academic Exploration Test


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Academic Exploration TestAcademic Exploration TestAcademic Exploration TestAcademic Exploration Test
25 min

Have you ever asked yourself, “Which academic fields is my personality type suited for?” This test is specifically designed to show you which fields suit your aptitudes and ambitions, and help you choose a field that you prefer.

This tool is not supposed to cover every single career that’s out there (that would be a super long list!), but it has been designed to invoke thought around new topics for you to explore and learn about based on your score.

This test will help you to learn which subjects are most appealing to you and how it feels to study those topics. This test has not been designed as a career aptitude test, and it won’t tell you which career you are well suited for (although we do have other tests to try if that’s what you are looking for).

Whether this is your first foray into subjects you would like to pursue as a student, or if you are an experienced expert at learning and are just looking for some new inspiration, this test is sure to bring value to you.