ESFP Compatibility and Relationships [+ Best & Worst Matches]

ESFP Compatibility and Relationships [+ Best & Worst Matches]

There’s no denying that ESFPs (Entertainers) love people. But—let’s be honest—even they aren’t compatible with everyone. Due to the intricacies of ESFP compatibility, they tend to get along with some people more easily than with others.

Not only does ESFP compatibility explain how Entertainers relate to other personality types, but it can also help you better understand this personality type, anticipate potential relationship challenges, and build stronger bonds with ESFPs.

So, read on to discover the best and worst matches for ESFPs, as well as what they’re like as friends, romantic partners, and more!

ESFP Compatibility Chart

First things first, here’s a concise ESFP compatibility chart that explains how Entertainers generally get along with different personality types:

Very Compatible


Somewhat Compatible















For example, ESFPs might find it easier to get along with fellow Entertainers than with their intuitive cousins—ENFPs—since ESFP compatibility with ENFPs is pretty low.

That said, Entertainers can forge close relationships with anyone, regardless of their personality type. However, with some, it might take a while to build rapport.

5 Best Matches for ESFPs

ESFP Compatibility

Some of the best matches for ESFPs are ISFPs, ESFJs, ISFJs, ESTPs, and ISTPs.

Now, let’s see what helps them click!

#1. ISFP and ESFP Compatibility

ESFP compatibility with ISFPs is very high, and not without good reason. These personality types not only share a preference for sensing, feeling, and perceiving, but they also have nearly identical cognitive function stacks.

Both ESFPs and ISFPs have adventurous, fun-loving personalities, but they’re also rather sensitive and considerate of others. Since they’re both quite compassionate, they tend to sort out disagreements without hurting each other's feelings and quickly move on to more exciting activities.

Although these types are fairly similar, their differences enable them to complement one another. For instance, ESFPs tend to inspire ISFPs to go out of their comfort zones and embrace spontaneity, whereas ISFPs often help ESFPs become more comfortable with solitude.

#2. ESFJ and ESFP Compatibility

Both ESFJs and ESFPs are social butterflies who thrive on social interaction, so it’s only natural that these two types usually get along very well. Such friendships and romantic relationships are often filled with lots of fun and heart-to-heart conversations.

ESFJs and ESFPs are very practical, energetic, and outgoing, so they’re likely to throw parties together and spend lots of time around other people. Oftentimes, this only makes them feel closer to one another, as they tend to consider getting to know each other’s social circles the ultimate bonding experience.

On the downside, both types love attention, so they might compete for the spotlight with one another.

#3. ISFJ and ESFP Compatibility

ISFJs and ESFPs are rather different, and yet their personalities tend to fit perfectly. ISFJs have a way of making ESFPs feel safe around them without making them feel smothered, which allows them to build long-lasting relationships.

Although both types are rather pragmatic, ISFJs have a knack for planning and organization, whereas ESFPs would rather take things easy and keep their options open.

This can cause some friction at first, but it is also an opportunity for growth. ESFPs can teach ISFJs how to become more spontaneous and adaptable, whereas ESFJs can help ESFPs curb their impulsivity.

Not to mention, ISFJs make great listeners—and if there’s one thing ESFPs love, it’s getting undivided attention!

#4. ESTP and ESFP Compatibility

ESTP and ESFP compatibility is very high, primarily because they share dominant extraverted sensing (Se) and inferior introverted intuition (Ni) functions.

They both want to get out there and experience life rather than observe things from the sidelines. In this sense, they often feel like they’re partners in crime, as they encourage each other to try out new things, challenge themselves, and so on. Needless to say, a relationship between an ESTP and an ESFP is never boring!

That said, these types may not always see eye-to-eye. After all, ESTPs make decisions based on logic, while ESFPs prefer to follow their hearts and do what aligns with their values—even if it doesn’t seem like the most logical thing to do.

#5. ISTP and ESFP Compatibility

ESFPs and ISTPs alike are spontaneous and action-oriented, but they tend to have very different energies.

While ESFPs have larger-than-life personalities and love meeting new people, ISTPs tend to be rather laid-back and prefer to keep to themselves. As you might’ve guessed, that’s exactly why they often feel drawn to one another—theyeffortlessly balance each other!

Both ESFPs and ISTPs crave adventure, but ISTPs sometimes need some downtime, as they tend to be very introverted. As long as ESFPs respect their need for space and privacy, though, they’re likely to build strong connections.

3 Worst Matches for ESFPs

ESFP Personality Type

Now, let’s discuss the worst matches for ESFPs: INTJs, INTPs, and ENTJs.

#1. INTJ and ESFP Compatibility

Even though these personality types often feel inexplicably drawn to each other, ESFP compatibility with INTJs is very low.

More often than not, it’s a case of “opposites attract.” However, over time, they usually find that they don’t have enough things in common to sustain their relationship.

INTJs and ESFPs are simply too different, especially when it comes to communication. Simply put, INTJs are rather straightforward individuals who value logic and don’t care much about other people’s feelings, which ESFPs may see as a lack of sensitivity.

To make things worse, INTJs enjoy intellectually stimulating conversations about abstract topics, whereas ESFPs would rather discuss everyday matters and real-life events. As such, they’re often on completely different wavelengths.

#2. INTP and ESFP Compatibility

Since INTPs and ESFPs have extremely different values and interests, it isn’t surprising that they aren’t very compatible. It’s not unusual for INTPs to find the company of ESFPs too loud and lively, while ESFPs often consider INTPs rather dull.

The truth is, INTPs are mostly concerned with logic, knowledge, and other things that ESFPs simply don’t find that interesting. After all, they’d choose practice over theory any time—unlike INTPs, who enjoy hypothesizing and exploring theoretical ideas.

At the end of the day, INTPs and ESFPs don’t have much in common, which makes understanding each other quite a challenge.

#3. ENTJ and ESFP Compatibility

ENTJ is another introverted thinking personality type that ESFPs often clash with, especially in romantic relationships. ESFPs are all about having fun, whereas ENTJs often find it difficult to relax and kick up their heels because of their relentless drive and ambition.

Moreover, ENTJs are known to be extremely direct, often to the point of coming across as abrasive. ESFPs are often put off by this, as they are sensitive and try not to hurt other people’s feelings. ENTJs, meanwhile, don’t see a point in sugarcoating the truth—if anything, they see it as a waste of their time.

In other words, ENTJs and ESFPs often struggle to get along since they have different life goals and communication styles.

ESFP Communication Style

The ESFP communication style could be best described as warm, energetic, and expressive.

It’s not unusual for people with this personality type to talk and laugh loudly, and they often use a lot of hand gestures while speaking. This, coupled with their excellent social skills, often makes them come off as charismatic and engaging.

Being fairly sensitive, ESFPs like to keep their conversations light and focus on the positive, which can make it hard for them to express their concerns or give negative feedback to others. Aside from this, they usually find it very easy to talk to people—simply put, socializing is their comfort zone.

On top of that, ESFPs love being the center of attention and making others laugh, but they may lose their interest when the conversation becomes too serious or abstract.

What Are ESFPs Like as Romantic Partners?

As romantic partners, ESFPs are enthusiastic, spontaneous, affectionate, and playful.

Contrary to popular belief, they can be very loyal and devoted—but they don’t commit easily. More often than not, they want to first ensure that they’re making the right decision.

Once they do commit, however, ESFPs make wonderful romantic partners who try to make the most of each moment spent with their significant others. As playful as they are, they also make very caring and thoughtful romantic partners, as they deem it important to meet their significant others’ needs and fulfill their wishes.

Physical intimacy is as important to them as emotional connection, so ESFPs rarely, if ever, hold themselves back from public displays of affectionthey love wholeheartedly and freely, even when the whole world is looking at them!

ESFP Compatibility

What Do ESFPs Need in a Romantic Relationship?

While no two ESFPs are the same, here’s what most of them need to feel happy in a romantic relationship:

  • Novelty. Spontaneous and inquisitive, ESFPs love new experiences and can’t stand the thought of being in a rut. So, don’t be shy to offer them to do something you haven’t done yet—keeping things fresh is key to building a long-lasting relationship with ESFPs!
  • Independence. It’s no secret that ESFPs are rather free-spirited. As such, the easiest way to drive them away is to try and limit their freedom or self-expression.
  • Playfulness. ESFPs are fun-loving individuals, so they like their relationships to be playful and exciting. If you can make them laugh, you’re already halfway there to being a perfect partner for an ESFP!

What Are ESFPs Like as Friends?

ESFPs make accepting, compassionate, and spontaneous friends. As some of the most outgoing personalities, they usually have a large inner circle with whom they enjoy sharing every moment of their lives.

In their eyes, nothing beats embarking on new adventures with their friends, and they certainly excel at showing their buddies the beauty of living in the moment.

Even though ESFPs may come across as fun-loving thrill-seekers, they value authenticity in friendships no less than other introverted feeling (Fi) users. Because of this, they keep little to nothing from their friends and expect them to do the same.

Deeply empathetic and perceptive, ESFPs quickly notice when their friends are going through a rough time and do their best to cheer them up. Their positivity and enthusiasm are contagious, which is one of the reasons people generally enjoy their company.

That said, ESFPs find it easy to make friends, but they may struggle with keeping them—especially in their youth. They avoid conflict, heavy conversations, and people who try to stop them from doing whatever it is they want to do (even if it’s for their own good). As such, it’s not unusual for them to just fall out with their friends without even trying to mend the friendship.

What Are ESFPs Like as Parents?

ESFP Personality Type

Given how much Entertainers love to have fun, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that ESFP men and women alike make easygoing, playful, and open-minded parents. They see parenthood as a wonderful opportunity to explore the world from a fresh perspective.

Rather than reading books to their children, ESFP parents tend to take them on adventures in the real world and teach them life lessons through hands-on experience. Unsurprisingly, they tend to be fairly relaxed, often encouraging their children to try out new things, make new friends, and so on.

This doesn’t mean, however, that ESFP parents are careless. On the contrary, they care deeply about their children, but rather than disciplining them, they strive to build a strong connection with them based on mutual trust and respect. Ultimately, they want their kids to know that they don’t have to hide anything from them and that they’ll always be there to support them.

That said, most ESFPs have lots of life experience—both good and bad. While they aren’t overbearing by any means, they tend to give their children certain guidelines to ensure their safety, health, and happiness, and they expect them to follow these “rules” to a T.

ESFP Strengths and Weaknesses in Relationships

Now that you know almost everything there is to ESFP compatibility and relationships, there’s one more thing left to explore— ESFP strengths and weaknesses in relationships.

Critically, the strengths and weaknesses observed in ESFPs' relationships play a significant role in shaping their career choices. Understanding how their vibrant and spontaneous nature influences interpersonal dynamics can provide valuable insights into identifying fulfilling and compatible career paths.

Let’s start on a positive note—here are the greatest qualities ESFPs bring to relationships:

  • Generosity. Whether it comes to time or money, ESFPs are ready to give all they have to their loved ones. They usually express their love, care, and affection not only verbally and physically but also by giving gifts and making surprises.
  • Empathy. ESFPs are naturally attuned to people’s emotions. Warm and compassionate, they always try to help their friends feel better, usually by telling jokes to cheer them up or supporting them emotionally.
  • Fun. The “S” in ESFP might as well stand for spontaneity—this trait quite literally underpins their entire existence. Because of this, ESFPs always succeed in keeping their relationships fun and fresh—there’s never a dull moment with them!

And here are some of their weaknesses you should keep in mind:

  • Hypersensitivity. ESFPs are very sensitive and tend to take things personally, so they can get hurt or insulted pretty easily. Also, they usually avoid conflict since it makes them upset.
  • Lack of planning. ESFPs dislike anything related to structure, routine, and organization. Because of this, they may be reluctant to make plans with you—especially long-term ones.
  • Impulsivity. It’s no secret that ESFPs often succumb to their impulses and have novelty-seeking personalities. As such, they can be quite unpredictable and flighty (e.g., they might stand you up if something or someone else catches their interest).

Key Takeaways

If you're an anime enthusiast or simply looking for a lighter take on the ESFP personality type, there's something for everyone. Dive into the vibrant world of ESFP anime characters or explore the humorous side with entertaining ESFP memes.

And that sums up everything you should know about ESFP compatibility!

Now, let’s reiterate the key points we covered:

  • ESFP compatibility is generally higher with sensing personality types than with intuitive personality types.
  • Some of the best matches for ESFPs are ISFP, ISFJ, ESFJ, and ESTP personality types.
  • NT personality types—especially INTJ, INTP, and ENTJ—are the least compatible with ESFPs.
  • ESFPs make fun, empathetic, and generous friends and romantic partners, but they may also be disorganized, impulsive, and extremely sensitive.

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