26+ INFP Fictional Characters You Can Relate to

26+ INFP Fictional Characters You Can Relate to

For INFPs, there’s nothing quite as comforting as escaping into a fictional world.

Well, except for one thing—finding fictional characters that encapsulate your personality type to a T and enable you to learn more about yourself.

So, if you’re interested to learn which of your favorite fictional characters share your personality type, we’ve got you covered!

In this article, we bring you a long list of the most famous INFP fictional characters that includes:

  • 7 INFP TV Show Characters
  • 5 INFP Fictional Book Characters
  • 5 INFP Fictional Movie Characters

And much more!

7 INFP TV Show Characters

Without further ado, let’s start our exploration of INFP personality fictional characters with some of the most famous Mediators from your favorite TV shows!

#1. Mike Ross (Suits)

INFP fictional characters

Credit: Everett Collection

Mike Ross is guided by introverted feeling (Fi), the dominant INFP cognitive function, as he evaluates his options based on what aligns with his values before taking action. He has a strong internal sense of right and wrong but doesn’t care much about universal morals. To him, morality is a personal matter.

On top of that, Mike is famous for his photographic memory, which many people with an INFP personality type possess. This “superpower” likely stems from his tertiary introverted sensing (Si), a cognitive function that enables him to take mental screenshots of the world around him.

#2. Cassandra Ainsworth “Cassie” (Skins)

Cassandra Ainsworth “Cassie” Personality Type

Credit: Everett Collection

Cassie is a female INFP fictional character who shows impressive character development. Without a doubt, many INFPs will relate to her personal growth journey. Although she’s rather self-destructive in the first couple of seasons, she eventually grows into her Fi, learning what truly matters to her and what she wants from life.

Moreover, Cassie is different from others, as she isn’t interested in partying or short-term flings. Like most INFPs, she dreams of building intimate, long-lasting relationships and finding her soulmate.

#3. Rajesh “Raj” Koothrappali (The Big Bang Theory)

Popular male INFP fictional characters

Credit: Everett Collection

Although some people believe that Raj is an ENFP fictional character since he eventually opens up and becomes quite social, let’s not forget one important detail—he’sonly open to people when he’s comfortable around them. Other than that, he’s rather shy, awkward, and unable to communicate his feelings, which is why he comes off as an INFP fictional character.

Not to mention, while Raj often uses extraverted intuition (Ne) to interact with people, it’s clear that he has a Fi-dominant personality. Besides being sensitive, he can get offended easily when it comes to things he cares about, such as racism.

#4. Marshall Eriksen (How I Met Your Mother)

ENFP personality Marshall Eriksen

Credit: Everett Collection

Marshall is another fictional INFP character that gets frequently mistyped as an ENFP, most likely because he has well-developed Fi and Ne cognitive functions. Still, it becomes apparent that he’s an INFP when you take a closer look at his decision-making process. Marshall makes decisions based on his internal value system, which is a tell-tale sign of dominant Fi.

Not only that—after his father died, Marshall got stuck in a Fi-Si loop that turned him slightly unhealthy and made him cling to his childhood.

#5. Elena Gilbert (The Vampire Diaries)

Personality type of Elena Gilbert

Credit: Everett Collection

Typing Elena isn’t all that easy, as she has a rather complex personality that changes throughout the show.

Still, it’s simply undeniable that she exhibits a certain dreaminess that only INFPs possess. She often gets lost in thought and daydreams, which prevents her from fully living in the moment. Moreover, her dominant Fi is clear as day when she turns into a vampire, as she’s afraid of losing not only her humanity but also her morals and fairness.

#6. Clay Jensen (13 Reasons Why)

Clay Jensen INFP fictional characters

Credit: CharacTour

Self-righteous and private about his feelings, Clay comes across as a rather underdeveloped INFP fictional character. In fact, his personality changes with every new season of the show, making his character quite confusing.

Nonetheless, Clay is a strong Fi user—he is concerned with doing the right thing, and although his emotions are very intense, he tends to keep them to himself. That said, he often acts impulsively and forms opinions without seeing the full picture, which makes him come across as an immature INFP.

#7. Will Byers (Stranger Things)

INFP fictional characters

Credit: Everett Collection

Will is a fictional character that many people with an INFP personality type can relate to. Like most INFPs, he wishes to be taken seriously and wants to be seen as someone who can take care of himself. As such, he takes it to heart when others treat him like a child.

Not to mention, Will is often seen as a nostalgic character, which could be attributed to his tertiary introverted sensing (Si). In times of stress, he fears change and wishes that everything stays the same. For this reason, he resorts to his old hobby—playing Dungeons & Dragons with his friends—for comfort.

5 INFP Fictional Book Characters

People with an INFP personality type are known to love not only reading but also writing books.

Well, whether you’re looking for inspiration for your next novel or want to learn which of your favorite books include fictional Mediators, you won’t be disappointed with our INFP fictional character list below!

#1. Frodo Baggins (“The Lord of the Rings”)

Frodo Baggins Personality Type

Credit: Everett Collection

J. R. R. Tolkien is a famous INFP writer, so it should come as no surprise that he has written some fictional characters with an INFP personality type. Perhaps the most famous of them is Frodo Baggins, one of the main characters of “The Lord of the Rings.”

Frodo is sensitive, hopeful, and tender-hearted. He easily empathizes with others but, unlike extraverted feeling (Fe) personalities, only really relates to those who have been through similar experiences as him. Most importantly, Frodo has a strong sense of integrity, which leads him to become a hero.

#2. Brandon “Bran” Stark (“Game of Thrones”)

Popular INFP fictional characters

Credit: Everett Collection

Bran is another fictional INFP character who experiences changes in his personality. However, before becoming The Three-Eyed Raven, he was a great example of a resilient and courageous INFP.

Bran’s auxiliary Ne causes him to be very adventurous, which eventually leads him to sustain an injury that triggers unusual dreams. Curious and no less adventurous than before, Bran seeks to understand the meaning behind them and fearlessly explores the dream world.

#3. The Little Prince (“The Little Prince”)

INFP personality The Little Prince

Credit: Netflix

“The Little Prince” is one of the most beloved books of many INFPs for a reason—its main character is a typical INFP!

Curious, innocent, and kind, the Little Prince is the definition of an INFP. As someone with a FiNe personality type, he can’t wrap his head around the fact that adults lose their open-mindedness and imagination. Despite being young and naive, the Little Prince doesn’t come off as immature—quite the contrary, he’s thoughtful and wise.

#4. Newt Scamander (“Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them”)

Personality type of Newt Scamander

Credit: Everett Collection

Shy and eccentric, Newt is an INFP fictional character who, at times, resembles an INTP. However, it’s widely speculated that Newt is neurodivergent, which would explain some of his personality quirks, such as avoiding direct eye contact.

Compassion runs deep in Newt’s personality, making him a lovable fictional character. Besides loving magical creatures, he is also not afraid of being emotionally vulnerable. Needless to say, this is one of the many reasons why INFPs—and INFP males in particular—find him inspiring.

#5. Holden Caulfield (“The Catcher in the Rye”)

Holden Caulfield INFP fictional characters

Credit: CharacTour

Despite being an example of an unhealthy Mediator personality, there’s no denying that Holden is one of the most unforgettable INFP fictional characters from books. And, let’s be honest—most INFPs have related to his struggles at least once in their lives!

Although he sometimes seems immature, Holden is introspective, which enables him to become aware of his flaws but also causes him to overanalyze his life. Like many turbulent INFPs, he feels misunderstood, finds it difficult to meet people he can create authentic connections with, and despises hypocrisy.

5 INFP Fictional Movie Characters

Excited to find out which cinematic masterpieces feature INFP movie characters? Let’s dig in!

#1. Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)

INFP fictional characters

Credit: Everett Collection

Luke Skywalker is one of the most popular INFP fictional characters who certainly does this personality type justice. Like no other fictional character, he perfectly portrays the depth and complexity of INFPs.

For the most part, Luke is a very typical INFP—he acts according to his moral compass and often disregards other people’s advice to pursue his own path.

Although many Star Wars fans argue that Luke acts out of character in The Last Jedi, this isn’t exactly true. Many INFPs are afraid of failure and can be mercilessly self-critical when things go wrong, and Luke is no exception to this rule.

#2. Edward Scissorhands (Edward Scissorhands)

Edward Scissorhands Personality Type

Credit: Everett Collection

If you’re a fan of Tim Burton, you may be delighted to find out that he, too, is a fellow INFP! Most importantly, he has created one of the most extraordinary INFP fictional characters—Edward Scissorhands.

While Edward is certainly individualistic, his idealistic and compassionate nature is his most distinctive trait. While most INFPs put a great deal of effort into trying to understand their unique identity, Edward doesn’t mind embracing it. To him, what matters most is being of service to people and maintaining peace and harmony in his surroundings.

#3. Charlie Kelmeckis (The Perks of Being a Wallflower)

Popular INFP fictional characters

Credit: Everett Collection

Thanks to his empathy, Charlie might resemble a Fe user at first glance. Yet, if you take a closer look at his personality, you’ll realize that he’s one of the most stereotypical INFPs. Besides, most Mediators know what it means to feel like a wallflower!

Despite being deeply compassionate, Charlie only really understands what others feel when their experiences are familiar to him. Also, he often feels out of place—even among his closest friends—as he spends most of the time analyzing and imagining situations in his head.

#4. Tom Hansen (500 Days of Summer)

INFP personality Tom Hansen

Credit: Everett Collection

Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who plays Tom in 500 Days of Summer, is widely believed to be an INFP. Unsurprisingly, he has portrayed one of the most realistic yet tragic male INFP fictional characters.

INFP males often feel lonely and misunderstood. Desperately wanting to meet someone who will understand them, they sometimes impose their expectations, hopes, and ideals onto other people, just like Tom did.

Sadly, he doesn’t see who Summer actually is. For example, he refuses to accept that they have significant differences and that she isn’t interested in a long-term relationship. Eventually, this dangerous mixture of idealism and denial leads him to become stuck in a Fi-Si loop, as he isn’t able to let go of the past.

#5. Ricky Fitts (American Beauty)

Personality type of Ricky Fitts

Credit: Everett Collection

Without a doubt, American Beauty is among the most recommended movies for INFPs—the whole film just oozes Fi energy! Of course, it’s only natural that some fictional characters in this movie are INFPs, including Ricky Fitts.

Ricky comes off as a strange guy, to say the least. He spends more time capturing people on tape than actually talking to them. Although he may seem too cold to be an INFP, let’s be fair—no other personality type is capable of effortlessly recognizing beauty in everyday things, such as plastic bags dancing in the wind.

5 INFP Fictional Animated Characters

If you like animated movies, here are some INFP fictional characters you’re surely familiar with:

#1. Sadness (Inside Out)

Sadness INFP fictional characters

Credit: Everett Collection

Sadness’ melancholic nature makes others uncomfortable—so much so that many, including Joy, don’t even understand her purpose. In a way, she represents the reality many INFPs face—just like her, they are no strangers to feeling misunderstood, excluded from the group, and underestimated.

However, by the end of the movie, we learn that Sadness is just as valuable as all other emotions. Better yet, it is closely tied to happiness—without one, the other wouldn’t exist. This is something most INFPs can relate to, as they often try to encourage people to embrace all emotions, not just the positive ones.

#2. Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)

INFP fictional characters

Credit: Disney

Although Aurora sleeps for the majority of the movie, it’s simply impossible to deny that she’s an INFP.

Dreamy and detached from reality, she is a Disney princess that has an extraverted sensing (Se) blind spot. She’s much more concerned with her dreams than the reality she lives in. She’s so engrossed in thought that she doesn’t even notice that she’s dancing with Prince Philip!

#3. Butters Stotch (South Park)

Butters Stotch Personality Type

Credit: Everett Collection

Butters is sensitive, kind, and very much in touch with his emotions, including sadness, which he finds strangely beautiful. And, like many INFP fictional characters, he evolves throughout the show.

Butters experiences quite a bit of bullying. Although other kids—and even adults—constantly make fun of him, he doesn’t allow this to break his spirit. He remains an idealist and keeps doing whatever feels right to him despite what other people say. This only goes to show that, regardless of their sensitivity, INFPs are incredibly strong-minded people!

#4. Bubbles (The Powerpuff Girls)

Popular INFP fictional characters

Credit: Dribbble

Bubbles is perhaps the sweetest INFP fictional character you’ll ever see. Loyal and protective, she'd do anything it takes to save her loved ones.

Like Butters, she knows what it’s like to be bullied for her soft-hearted nature. Bubbles’ innocence, shyness, and naivety make her very different from her extroverted, dynamic sisters. Because of this, she tends to feel like people underrate her, which sometimes causes her to experience an extraverted thinking (Te) grip and thus become surprisingly aggressive.

#5. Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog)

INFP personality Courage

Credit: Everett Collection

Although Courage is an anxious and fearful dog, he’s also brave and bold when the situation calls for it. Like most INFPs, he knows when to curb his overthinking and follow his intuition. Most importantly, no matter how frightened he is, he’s always ready to rescue Muriel, his loving owner.

Given how caring, protective, and loyal he is, he might come across as an ISFJ. However, it’s enough to remember his most famous quote—“The things I do for love!”—to realize that his commitment to Muriel stems from his individual values (Fi).

3 Unhealthy INFP Fictional Characters

Although INFP fictional characters are typically ethical and good-natured, that doesn’t mean they don’t have a dark side. Any INFP can flip and become unhealthy when their buttons are pushed too hard or they go through traumatic experiences.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some different unhealthy INFP fictional characters from movies and TV shows.

#1. Sweeney Todd (Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street)

Personality type of Sweeney Todd

Credit: Everett Collection

Sweeney Todd is a horrifying example of an unhealthy INFP perpetually stuck in a Fi-Si loop. This explains why he kills innocent people while going after Judge Turpin, the man who ruined his life.

Simply put, seeking justice (Fi) and revenge (Si) clouds Sweeney’s judgment, as his past experiences drive him to believe that London is filled with immoral people. What’s worse, as a Fi-dominant personality, he decides that it’s his job to purify the city by going on a killing spree.

#2. Arthur Fleck (Joker)

Arthur Fleck INFP fictional characters

Credit: Allstar/Warner Bros/DC Comics

Unlike the Joker from The Dark Knight, who was an ENTP, the Joker played by Joaquin Phoenix is an unhealthy INFP.

Initially, his goal was innocent—he simply wanted to pursue his artistic dreams and make people laugh. As a true INFP, Arthur saw people as inherently good and desperately wanted to connect with them. Unfortunately, the people of Gotham City didn’t live up to his expectations and kept disappointing him, which caused Arthur to spiral into depression, hatred, and madness.

Unhealthy INFPs are notorious for their all-or-nothing attitude toward life and their refusal to share their emotions. This Joker is no different—once Arthur becomes unhealthy, he judges people either as completely good or completely bad. He’s also reluctant to share his feelings with anyone, including his mom and therapist.

#3. Britta Perry (Community)

INFP fictional characters

Credit: Everett Collection

Although initially Britta resembles an INFJ fictional character, as the TV show develops, we learn that she’s an INFP fictional character—and quite an exaggerated one, to say the least.

After the first season, Britta comes off as an unhealthy INFP. Self-righteous and condescending, she can’t help but moralize and judge people for having different opinions than hers. She’s also guilty of performative activism, and her words and actions don’t always align with what she stands for.

Bonus: INFP Marvel Fictional Characters

Are you a fan of Marvel? Here’s some good news—the Marvel universe is home to several INFP superheroes!

Let’s check out the two most prominent Marvel INFP fictional characters: Mantis and Kitty Pryde.

Mantis (Guardians of the Galaxy)

Mantis Personality Type

Credit: Marvel Studios/Disney+/Youtube

Mantis is a Marvel INFP fictional character that is sometimes thought to have a Fe-dominant personality. This may be because empathy—her special power—is often mistakenly believed to be a trait that’s exclusive to strong Fe users.

However, this is nothing more than a stereotype. INFPs are just as capable of reading people’s feelings, and Mantis’ empathy comes purely from Fi. She filters people’s emotions through herself to understand what they’re feeling. Not to mention, she’s great at controlling and manipulating emotions.

Katherine Anne "Kitty" Pryde (X-Men)

Katherine Anne "Kitty" Pryde Personality Type

Credit: Comic Basics

Kitty Pryde is another female INFP fictional character from the Marvel universe. She has a degree in computer engineering, but this doesn’t mean that she belongs to a thinking personality type. In fact, many INFPs are interested in technology, engineering, and similar fields because of their inferior Te!

As you may expect, Kitty has strong moral principles. Witnessing racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination makes her lash out in a typical inferior Te manner. Fluent in Russian, Japanese, and German, she also has a knack for foreign languages, which the INFP personality type is famous for.

Final Thoughts

And that’s the end of our list of INFP fictional characters!

Like in real life, no two fictional INFPs are the same, but they do share some similar characteristics, including sensitivity, integrity, and idealism.

Even though some of them experience bullying for their “softness,” fictional INFP characters serve as a reminder that there’s nothing wrong with being sensitive. As you may have noticed, many of these characters are incredibly resilient! And, interestingly enough, many of them experience inner transformations, which shows that INFPs are ever-evolving individuals.

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