27+ INTP Memes That Will Make You Chuckle
If you’ve ever met an INTP, you’ve probably noticed that these people are rather self-aware and don’t hesitate to make fun of their flaws. Unsurprisingly, they love creating and sharing memes about their personality type, too!
Besides being entertaining, INTP memes can also help you learn more about this personality type and bond with its representatives.
So, in this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best INTP memes ever created to find out how this personality type is represented online.
28 Funny INTP Memes That Describe Architects to a T
Let’s waste no time and jump straight into our hand-picked list of INTP memes!
INTPs Are Analytical Thinkers
“Why are you so quiet?” is a question that haunts most people with the INTP personality type. As introverted thinking (Ti) users, they are very analytical but prefer to keep their thoughts to themselves. In fact, if INTPs verbalized everything that’s on their mind, they just wouldn’t stop talking!
Thanks to their creativity and analytical thinking abilities, Architects are known as innovative problem solvers. As auxiliary extraverted intuition (Ne) users, they analyze problems from all possible angles, but this is both a blessing and a curse. While it helps them come up with original solutions, it also often leads them to an existential crisis!
Unless they’re unhealthy, INTPs rarely perceive things as either black or white. These deep thinkers see multiple sides to any situation and have nuanced views, so much so that others sometimes find it difficult to understand what INTPs really think about a specific topic. Well, the answer is simple—it depends!
INTPs genuinely enjoy the process of thinking, whether they’re researching something on the internet or untangling their own thoughts. Needless to say, this INTP meme reflects what most Architects strongly believe in. Thinking is their favorite hobby, even if others don’t think so!
INTPs often analyze debates long after they’re finished, so it isn’t uncommon for them to eventually realize what they should’ve said to win the argument. While realizing this too late can be frustrating, secretly, they’re confident they could crush their opponent if only they had the opportunity!
It’s no secret that there’s a thin line between being a deep thinker and an overthinker. Unsurprisingly, most INTPs are no strangers to overthinking and tend to spend too much time analyzing even the smallest things, as shown in this INTP meme!
INTPs are known for their intelligence and ability to deal with complex theoretical ideas. However, when it comes to practical things, such as chores and relationships, they often feel clueless and have no idea what they’re doing!
This all boils down to INTP cognitive functions. Ti and Ne are heavily focused on logic and ideas, not people and practical skills, which are the realms of feeling and sensing functions.
INTPs Can Be Cold
This INTP meme perfectly sums up the confusion Architects go through when anyone, be it a therapist or not, asks them about their emotional state. While they’re logical and rational, most INTPs are so out of touch with their emotions that they have trouble identifying them. Some of them are even baffled by the concept of experiencing intense feelings every day!
As you can see from this meme, INTP isn’t the only personality type that doesn't like discussing feelings. This also applies to other intuitive thinkers, also known as Analysts— INTJs, ENTJs, and ENTPs—all of whom would rather do anything else but have heartfelt conversations!
Let’s be fair—if you want to vent your feelings to someone, you’re better off talking to someone else but an INTP, as extraverted feeling (Fe) is their inferior function.
These individuals are focused on solving problems, which can be rather infuriating if you just want someone to listen to you. That said, if you seek effective solutions and logical insights into your problems, no one can help you better than Architects!
Most INTPs will relate to this meme, as they often find it much easier to empathize with animals (and fictional characters, for that matter) than people. Whether they want to admit it or not, kittens, puppies, and other fluffballs melt their hearts—besides, is it even possible to resist their cuteness?
Since most Architects are male, there aren’t that many memes about female INTPs out there, but this one will undoubtedly resonate with them! These rare women don’t water themselves down to please others even though it would make their lives easier, which only makes them more alluring.
As a general rule, INTPs aren’t emotionally expressive people, and their faces usually reflect this. More often than not, they have a blank facial expression. Even when they’re interested in you, you might not understand it because their poker face makes them look unapproachable!
Note: Billie Eilish in the meme is an ISFP personality type, so here are INTP famous people if you want to check them out.
There’s no doubt that every INTP knows that uncomfortable feeling when you accidentally upset someone and have no idea what exactly caused this to happen. Worse yet, sometimes Architects don’t realize they’ve offended or hurt someone until the person explicitly addresses the issue!
Luckily, inferior Fe users—INTPs and ISTPs—can effectively prevent this from happening by improving their emotional intelligence.
INTPs Are Socially Awkward
Like most introverts, INTPs don’t feel comfortable around people they don’t know well. They tend to find small talk exhausting to the point where they’d rather just sit by themselves and get lost in their own thoughts!
Many introverts, including INTPs, make plans when they’re in the mood for socializing, only to find themselves dreading social interaction when it’s time to head outside.
Needless to say, most Architects don’t feel one bit sad when plans are canceled—they’re more than happy to stay home, watch Netflix, or scroll through interesting Reddit threads. Luckily, when they find out they don’t have to go anywhere, their typical emotionless facial expression helps them hide their excitement from others!
Simply put, navigating interpersonal relationships isn’t the easiest thing in the world for INTPs. This is especially true when it comes to romantic relationships. Most INTPs struggle to accept compliments and feel confused or even uncomfortable when someone expresses an interest in them!
Although INTPs strongly value knowledge, it’s hard to deny that there are certain situations when the saying “Ignorance is bliss” rings true. Undoubtedly, this is one of them. Hardly anything is more frustrating than being aware of your weaknesses yet having no clue how to overcome them!
INTPs Are Master Procrastinators
INTPs are among the most laid-back personality types. Even when they have lots of things on their hands, they manage to keep their stress levels low. Besides, what could be more important than getting quality sleep? Certainly not chores and schoolwork!
This INTP meme accurately captures the difference between Architects and other intuitive personalities before exams. While others try to cram as much knowledge into their heads as possible, INTPs are sound asleep!
Most INTPs will agree that if they had a superpower, it would probably be procrastination. There’s nothing that can stop them from putting things off!
On a serious note, though, procrastination has been linked to creativity, which might explain why INTPs are innovative and original thinkers.
Whether they have numerous responsibilities to take care of or just one task, INTPs fret the moment of having to do something other than pursue their hobbies and interests. Still, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re lazy. More often than not, they simply lack the motivation to do things they aren’t passionate about, no matter how easy they are!
This funny INTP meme proves that, at the end of the day, nothing can help Architects get things done if they don’t have intrinsic motivation. Yep, not even popular hacks, such as breaking down a big task into smaller ones. More likely than not, such tips will only get INTPs sidetracked and enable their procrastination!
Simply put, INTPs may not be hard workers, but they’re certainly smart workers. Thanks to their flexibility and ability to think outside the box, they always find ways to get their work done in as little time as possible. Unless procrastination gets the best of them, they rarely work for 8 hours a day!
This INTP meme perfectly explains why Architects don’t usually see procrastination as a problem. Even if they have tight deadlines and postpone their work to the last minute, it doesn’t affect their work performance, as they nearly always manage to do everything on time. They’ve truly mastered the art of procrastination!
INTPs Are Oddballs
Although INTPs are rather laid-back and even indifferent most of the time, they can sometimes be unusually energetic, motivated, and excited. Since this happens seemingly out of nowhere, more often than not, it catches people who don’t know them well off guard!
No matter how old they are, most INTPs have two sides to them. On the one hand, they’re calm and can come off as wise beyond their age. On the other hand, they’re bursting with random ideas and can be rather disorganized or even childish!
This INTP meme perfectly encapsulates the philosophical nature of Architects. Unless you’re willing to engage in a deep philosophical discussion about what “normal” actually means, you’re better off accepting them as they are than asking them to change their ways!
Final Thoughts
And that’s a wrap!
Hopefully, you found these INTP memes relatable, amusing, or both. In any case, they provide us insight into how Architects are portrayed in popular culture, alongside their strengths and weaknesses. Still, it’s important to remember that memes are based on stereotypes, and real-life INTPs are much more complex and multi-faceted than that!