The Ultimate ISTJ Memes Collection: 27+ Memes to Relate To

The Ultimate ISTJ Memes Collection: 27+ Memes to Relate To

Due to their serious attitudes toward life, ISTJs (Logisticians) are often considered rather boring. For this reason, it’s not uncommon for people to think that there are no good ISTJ memes out there.

However, none of this could be further from the truth!

Today, we’ll take a look at 28 hilarious memes about ISTJs that accurately capture the distinctive qualities and essence of this personality type.

Key Takeaways

Here’s what ISTJ memes reveal about Logisticians:

  • Although ISTJs aren’t the most outgoing or warm-hearted individuals, they are incredibly reliable and helpful.
  • Rather than seeking excitement in life, Logisticians find predictability comforting and enjoy following daily routines.
  • Thanks to their dependable nature and emphasis on organization, structure, and rules, ISTJs can be considered the pillars of society.

28 Relatable ISTJ Memes That Will Crack You Up

Here are our hand-picked memes about the ISTJ (Logistician) personality type that will certainly bring a smile to your face:

ISTJs Avoid Socializing

ISTJ Memes

Credit: chrome.skull

If there’s one thing you should never do to an ISTJ, it’s popping up at their house unannounced.

Not only are they highly introverted, but they also like predictability. So, rather than brightening up their day, your unexpected visit might completely ruin their mood!

ISTJ Memes

Being very private, ISTJs would rather spend time alone than hang out with others, which makes building relationships with them quite a challenge. Even if you approach them with the best of intentions, don’t be surprised if they refuse to talk to you!

ISTJ Personality Type

Most introverted personality types, including ISTJs, will agree that there’s nothing worse than being stuck in a car, elevator, or another similar space with someone who talks way too much. Since Logisticians tend to find unnecessary small talk insufferable, they’ll surely find this meme relatable!

ISTJs Are Unemotional

Introverted personality

Since introverted feeling (Fi) stands relatively low in the ISTJ cognitive function stack, Logistician's emotional side isn’t that pronounced.

However, this isn’t to say that they are emotionless. While they do have emotions, they prefer not to express them to others. Because they tend to keep a stoic face, they can often come across as impassive.

ISTJ Personality Type

As strong extraverted thinking (Te) users, ISTJs value efficiency and observe life from a rational standpoint. This is also how they handle emotionally intense people; by looking for a logical, practical solution to their problems. Needless to say, this funny ISTJ meme perfectly captures Logisticians’ approach to seeing people cry!

ENFP Personality Type

ENFPs embrace their feelings and often seek experiences that trigger strong emotional responses in them. By contrast, ISTJs tend to find emotions illogical, unpredictable, and even a bit scary. No wonder they sometimes find the company of feeling personalities overwhelming!

ISTJs Are Straightforward

ISFP Personality Type

Sensible and direct, ISTJs have a no-nonsense attitude toward life. As such, it’s only natural they call a spade a spade. So, if they find your behavior bizarre, you can bet they won’t hide it from you—they aren’t the type to bite their tongues!

Thinkers and Feelers

Like INTJs, ESTJs, and other thinking personalities, ISTJs rarely, if ever, go out of their way to spare people’s feelings. Unsurprisingly, it’s not unusual for them to offend others. Rather than apologizing, though, they tend to simply claim they’re “just telling the truth,” as if it’s going to make you feel any better!

ISTJ Personality Type

Credit: iFunny

As shown in this meme, ISTJs are innately frank. As such, being truthful comes more naturally to them than being nice. At least you can rest assured they won’t lie to you to protect your feelings!

ISTJs Tend to Be Skeptical and Judgmental

ISTJ Memes

If you found this meme relatable, chances are, you don’t even need to take a personality test to tell that you’re an ISTJ.

A judgmental demeanor is ingrained in their DNA, and it’s not uncommon for them to suffer from second-hand embarrassment!

ISTJ Memes

Credit: @enfpenigmaticpixies

This meme accurately sums up how ISTJs react to new information and unfamiliar ideas. At best, they’re skeptical of them; at worst, they simply don’t care about them!

Logisticians Personalities

Earning an ISTJ’s trust is no easy feat, and it can take ages for them to let their guard down around you. Even though suspicion and skepticism are written all over their faces, Logisticians still struggle to understand why others think they don’t like them!

16 personality types

Due to their tendency to be skeptical, judgmental, and brutally honest, ISTJs may not look like the nicest of people at first glance. But don’t let this trick you—even though they may look as if they could kill you, their aloofness hides a much softer, caring side that not everyone gets to see!

ISTJs Love Predictability and Routine

ISTJ Personality Type

As dominant introverted sensing (Si) users, ISTJs can be described as creatures of habit.

While this might sound insane to more spontaneous, novelty-seeking personality types (we’re looking at you, XNXPs!), ISTJs are perfectly happy leading structured, predictable lives. That’s precisely what they strive for in life!

Funny ISTJ Memes

Credit: @ohvillanelle_

Logisticians find comfort in familiarity, so this meme will certainly ring true to most of them. They just can't help but gravitate toward their favorite movies, regardless of how many times they’ve watched them!

ISTJ Personality Type

Nothing triggers existential dread in ISTJs quicker than a sudden realization that their favorite establishments will shut down one day. To say that they make loyal clients would be an understatement!

ISTJs Respect Rules

Thinker Personalities

Some people think that rules are meant to be broken. One thing is for certain about them—they’re anything but ISTJs. Logisticians believe that rules are there for a reason, and they’re more than happy to follow them!

intuitive thinkers memes

While intuitive thinkers like INTPs like experimenting and trying out new things, sensing thinkers, including ISTJs, are all about doing precisely what is asked of them. Despite their shared appreciation for logic and rationality, these types can sometimes clash because of this!

ISTJs Are Hardworking

MBTI Memes

Credit: MBTI*memes*only

When an ISTJ tells you they can’t go out because they need to study, you better believe they mean it. Hardworking and responsible, they strive to build successful careers and would rather sacrifice their social lives than their grades.


ISTJs and ISFJs—their feeling counterparts—hold themselves to very high standards and rarely, if ever, procrastinate. On the contrary, they’re no strangers to productivity dysmorphia. In other words, it’s not uncommon for them to feel like they haven’t done enough even after ticking off every item on their to-do list.

ISTJ Personality Types

If you’re an ISTJ, this meme will certainly hit home. Since they set extremely high expectations for themselves, Logisticians often can’t even let themselves have a break without feeling guilty!

Logisticians Memes

Even though ISTJ men and women are very diligent and go the extra mile to complete their tasks flawlessly, they aren’t that interested in befriending their coworkers. Since they loathe water cooler talks, they usually regard the phrase “We’re like a family” from their employer as more of a deal-breaker than an advantage.

ISTJs Are Very Organized

ISTJ Memes

If one personality type had to be rewarded for their organizational skills, ISTJs would have little to no competition. After all, due to their strongest cognitive functionsSi and Te—Logisticians are very attentive to detail and excel at bringing order to chaos.

MBTI Memes

Credit: @mbti.memess

As you can tell from this meme, ISTJs don’t play around when it comes to organization. While reorganizing your bookshelf according to the alphabet may seem like a crazy idea, Logisticians genuinely enjoy creating systems that make their lives easier and maximize their efficiency.

ISTJ Memes

Credit: @enfphumor

Organized and dependable, Logisticians are sticklers for punctuality. So, if being a couple of minutes late causes you to spiral into an identity crisis, you might belong to this personality type!

ISTJs Are Reliable

ISTJs Are Reliable

ISTJs pride themselves on being the “rock” for others, and you can bet they take this very seriously. They go above and beyond to help those around them, even when they feel tired or have problems of their own. In their eyes, saying “no” to other people—and especially their loved ones—is simply unacceptable!

ISTJ Memes

While being someone others can rely on comes naturally to ISTJs, they have a hard time accepting help and support from others. This, coupled with their tendency to ignore their emotions, explains why they’re often guilty of saying “I’m fine” when they clearly aren’t!

ISTJ Personality Type

ISTJs are often considered the backbone of society, and it’s not without good reason. No other personality type is as reliable, responsible, and conscientious as they are. No wonder the world would collapse without them!

Final Thoughts

Now that you’ve made it to the end of our list of ISTJ memes, you can probably agree that Logisticians are anything but boring—even though they don’t mind leading calm, predictable lives. After all, if this was the case, they wouldn’t be the inspiration behind so many amusing memes!

Although ISTJs are among the most common personality types, there’s no denying that they have truly unique personalities.

Sure, they may seem cold, judgmental, and sometimes even rude. And yet, anyone who has at least one Logistician in their lives can count themselves very lucky; once you befriend an ISTJ, you can rest assured you’ll have a friend you can count on for life!

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