ESTJ - The Executive

Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging. Driven, outgoing, and decisive, the Executive is often honest and direct to a fault and usually has impressive organizational skills. This personality type values history and tradition and puts 100% into everything they do. They inspire respect and can make great bosses or community leaders.

ESTJ Strengths & Weaknesses: 9 Key Traits You Should Know

ESTJ Strengths & Weaknesses: 9 Key Traits You Should Know

Some of the most notable ESTJ strengths and weaknesses include honesty and efficiency, as well as inflexibility and insensitivity.

17+ Most Popular ESTJ Anime Characters: Exploring the Executive

17+ Most Popular ESTJ Anime Characters: Exploring the Executive

Some of the most popular ESTJ anime characters include Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z), Jean Kirstein (Attack on Titan), and Nami (One Piece).

19+ Memorable ESTJ Fictional Characters: Executives in Fiction

19+ Memorable ESTJ Fictional Characters: Executives in Fiction

From Boromir to King Triton, ESTJ fictional characters display both strengths and weaknesses associated with their personality type.

ESTJ-A vs. ESTJ-T: Key Differences & Insights

ESTJ-A vs. ESTJ-T: Key Differences & Insights

ESTJ-A and ESTJ-T are ESTJ subtypes. Each has its own distinct strengths and weaknesses, though generally, they share many qualities.

ESTJ Cognitive Functions: An In-Depth Look at Executives' Mind

ESTJ Cognitive Functions: An In-Depth Look at Executives' Mind

Explore all eight ESTJ cognitive functions—Te, Si, Ne, Fi, Ti, Se, Ni, and Fe—with this guide to understand the inner workings of Executives.

9 Distinct Traits of an Unhealthy ESTJ + Growth Tips

9 Distinct Traits of an Unhealthy ESTJ + Growth Tips

Unhealthy ESTJs tend to be manipulative, hypercompetitive, overbearing, aggressive, judgmental, demanding, and insensitive.

25 Hilarious ESTJ Memes That Hit Close to Home

25 Hilarious ESTJ Memes That Hit Close to Home

Discover 25 ESTJ memes that accurately depict the strengths and weaknesses of executives, including their bluntness, determination, and more!

85 ESTJ Famous People Who’ve Made Their Mark on the World

85 ESTJ Famous People Who’ve Made Their Mark on the World

Some excellent examples of famous ESTJ people include Uma Thurman, Kris Jenner, Gordon Ramsay, Kamala Harris, and Henry Ford.

ESTJ Career Guide: Best & Worst Career Paths for Executives

ESTJ Career Guide: Best & Worst Career Paths for Executives

Some of the best ESTJ careers are business (CEO, project manager, etc.), finance (e.g., budget analyst), and law (judge, lawyer, or paralegal).

ESTJ Compatibility in Love & Friendships: Best & Worst Matches

ESTJ Compatibility in Love & Friendships: Best & Worst Matches

ESTJ compatibility is highest with people who hold similar views and values. Some types they get along best with include ISTJs and ESFJs.

Unraveling the True Nature of the ESTJ Female Personality

Unraveling the True Nature of the ESTJ Female Personality

Goal-oriented and independent, ESTJ females make outstanding leaders and break the mold society expects women to fit into.

ESTJ Males: Everything You Need to Know

ESTJ Males: Everything You Need to Know

Self-assured, determined, and logical, the ESTJ male personality perfectly aligns with the conventional understanding of masculinity.