ESFJ - The Consul

Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging. Kind, caring, and sensible, but also very outgoing, ESFJs are known for being good-natured, fantastic organizers who combine a love of other people (and of socializing) with a strong sense of duty. The Consul’s strong sense of integrity combined with their grounded outlook and charm make them popular wherever they go.

What Does an Unhealthy ESFJ Look Like? 7 Traits & Tendencies

What Does an Unhealthy ESFJ Look Like? 7 Traits & Tendencies

Unhealthy ESFJs tend to be codependent, self-sacrificing, and controlling; they seek validation and wish to preserve social harmony at any cost.

ESFJ Strengths and Weaknesses Analyzed + 3 Tips for Growth

ESFJ Strengths and Weaknesses Analyzed + 3 Tips for Growth

ESFJ strengths and weaknesses—such as loyalty, practicality, neediness, and rigidity—reveal the complexity of the Consul personality type.

20+ ESFJ Fictional Characters You Can Relate To

20+ ESFJ Fictional Characters You Can Relate To

Responsible, caring, kind, and traditional, ESFJ fictional characters are easy to relate to, so they are almost always fans’ favorites.

ESFJ Cognitive Functions: Mapping & Decoding The Consul

ESFJ Cognitive Functions: Mapping & Decoding The Consul

This guide explains all eight ESFJ cognitive functions, from their dominant extraverted feeling (Fe) to their “demonic” extraverted thinking (Te).

25 ESFJ Anime Characters: ESFJ Archetypes in Anime Revealed

25 ESFJ Anime Characters: ESFJ Archetypes in Anime Revealed

This ultimate list of ESFJ anime characters features Tohru Honda, Makoto Tachibana, Sakura Haruno, Fuyumi Todoroki, and many others!

ESFJ-A vs. ESFJ-T: Detailed Insights & Distinctions

ESFJ-A vs. ESFJ-T: Detailed Insights & Distinctions

ESFJ-A and ESFJ-T are two identities of the ESFJ personality type. While ESFJ-A means assertive ESFJ, ESFJ-T stands for turbulent ESFJ.

21+ Amusing ESFJ Memes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

21+ Amusing ESFJ Memes That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

Our hand-picked ESFJ memes highlight the key traits and characteristics of Consuls, including sensitivity, helpfulness, sociability & compassion.

ESFJ Careers: What Are The Best & Worst Jobs for The Consul?

ESFJ Careers: What Are The Best & Worst Jobs for The Consul?

The best ESFJ career paths include education, mental health and social services, healthcare, event planning & business and administration.

ESFJ Famous People: 85 Celebrities w/ the Consul Personality

ESFJ Famous People: 85 Celebrities w/ the Consul Personality

Some of the most famous ESFJ people are Taylor Swift, Margot Robbie, LeBron James, Nicholas Sparks, Joe Biden, and Gigi Hadid.

ESFJ Compatibility for Friendships & Romantic Relationships

ESFJ Compatibility for Friendships & Romantic Relationships

Although Consuls can get along with pretty much anyone, ESFJ compatibility is highest with sensing personality types, such as ISFP and ESTJ.

Exploring the ESFJ Male Personality: Traits, Careers & More

Exploring the ESFJ Male Personality: Traits, Careers & More

ESFJ males are good-natured, sociable, and practical. Being deeply empathetic, they love helping people and value relationships above all else.

ESFJ Female Personality Type: Strengths, Careers & More

ESFJ Female Personality Type: Strengths, Careers & More

Practical and sociable, ESFJ females attract people with their positivity, warmth, thoughtfulness, and strong interpersonal skills.