ENFP vs. INTJ: What Are the Differences?

ENFP vs. INTJ: What Are the Differences?

The difference between ENFPs and INTJs is that ENFPs are warm personalities who value social connection, while INTJs are perfectionists who value rationality and practicality. You’re likely to find ENFPs at the center of a party, making endless friends. INTJs on the other hand, don’t tend to have time for small talk

Key personality differences explained

Personality overview

ENFP - The Champion

Dominated by extraverted, intuitive, feeling, and prospecting personality traits, ENFPs are free and spirited individuals who aren’t afraid of a little attention. Champions can light up a party and love to stand out from the crowd.

But this personality also has a lot of depth, and ENFPs long for deep and meaningful connections. With rich and creative thoughts, Champions like to search for significance and meaning. Soulful and connected, these individuals love to gain insight into others.

INTJ - The Mastermind

An INTJ personality type is introverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging. This rational, but at times prickly personality values common sense, research, and a good challenge. Masterminds are intelligent people who know what it takes to succeed and love to solve problems.

While witty and sharp, INTJs don’t have a lot of time for social niceties. Practicality and purpose is the name of the game for these rational beings, they just don’t see the point in frivolous things. Masterminds can be somewhat of a loner and are often referred to as insensitive, opinionated, and quick.



Champions are incredibly curious and enthusiastic individuals and these traits serve them well. ENFPs’ curiosity means that they aren’t afraid to push their boundaries to explore new ideas and experiences. Champions bring a lot of enthusiasm to projects that interest them, they don’t struggle to voice their opinion and campaign for the ideas and work that they support.

ENFPs are also very perceptive and have a good-natured spirit. They know how to read others and are able to pick up on even the smallest changes in someone’s energy. Because of this, they’re often highly valued friends.


Masterminds instead find strength in their rational and analytical thinking. INTJs are adept at problem-solving and love to put their knowledge and reasoning skills to complicated and creative problems. This personality is highly intelligent and you can rely on them to do their research.

INTJs tend to be successful in their goals and once an Mastermind dedicates themselves to a task, they tend to do well. These individuals know what they have to do to succeed and shoot for perfection every time. INTJs can also be incredibly curious people, meaning that they can usually put themselves to a wide variety of tasks and are open to many different points of view – provided that they are evidence-based.



ENFPs can misplace their energy and curiosity if they’re not careful. Always searching out new thrills and ideas that pique their interest, Champions can be a little unfocused and tend to drop one project as they switch their attention for another. Practicality is also not one of their strong points. Boring but necessary tasks like admin or maintenance are of no interest to ENFPs and they can find themselves falling behind on these important responsibilities.

Champions’ uplifting and enthusiastic nature can also lead them to struggle to set healthy boundaries and when combined with their people-pleasing qualities, this personality is prone to being taken advantage of and overextending themselves.


One weakness that INTJs need to work on is their ego. Intelligent and confident, Masterminds can struggle to see their own faults. This ego can also carry into how they see others as INTJs can be harsh judges of anyone they think is inferior to them. Anyone who fails to meet their expectations can experience some strong criticism from this personality – INTJs don’t hold back when they feel like someone has fallen short.

INTJs can also struggle with anything that doesn’t fall within their realm of rational thinking. Emotions, actions or beliefs that they feel are unreasonable are likely to be dismissed by Masterminds. Because of this, INTJs can develop a reputation for being insensitive or prickly if they’re not careful.



Champions are curious about almost everything, so settling down and actually choosing a career path is often the hardest thing for them. With big energy and lots of intrigue, this personality will end up almost anywhere. They do have a strong moral compass and so choosing a career that leaves them feeling fulfilled is likely to be the best fit for ENFPs.

With a love of learning, ENFPs also tend to gravitate towards roles where they’re always exploring new ideas. Industries like education, counseling, media and non-profit work offer ENFPs opportunities that fill much of their criteria.


INTJs love a challenge. Mundane, repetitive, and easy roles are not where Masterminds find themselves. With their intelligence and rationality, INTJs do well in positions where they can solve complex problems and get a chance to stretch their brains. Masterminds will do well almost anywhere, but don’t like to settle for an unchallenging career.

INTJs tend to thrive in jobs they like. These hardworking types get the job done and their work will speak for itself. However, they do need to be careful that they don’t alienate coworkers with their insensitive nature.



Where love is concerned, ENFPs tend to fall hard and often. Champions jump into relationships headfirst, as this personality is not afraid to hold back when they’re interested in someone. Because of their enthusiasm, they can struggle when their affections aren’t met or when a relationship ends. Love is a priority for Champions and they can feel quite unfulfilled when they’re single.

Once in a relationship, ENFPs are vibrant, fun, passionate, and open partners who look for deep and meaningful connections.


Problem-solving and analytical skills are great assets in the workplace, but when it comes to romance, Masterminds can struggle with the unpredictability and, at times irrational nature of relationships.

Masterminds value deep relationships and are searching for someone on their intelligence level whom they can connect with. However, in the early stages of dating this personality can struggle to understand the traditions and seemingly ridiculous romantic displays of romance. INTJs aren’t natural romantics, but when they find a partner they connect with they can learn to grow, share and open up to their loved ones.

The bottom line

When it comes to ENFPs vs INTJs, you won’t struggle to tell the two apart.

Champions are likely to strike up a warm conversation and make you feel welcome, while pragmatic Masterminds struggle with the concept of small talk.

Even though ENFPs and INTJs are fairly different, they still share some similarities that help them connect with one another.

Both INTJs and ENFPs are creative and endlessly curious individuals who think outside the box and embrace innovation. However, while INTJs make decisions based on logic, ENFPs rely on their emotions to help them pick the right option.

Really their differences come down to what drives them both; ENFPs are drawn to things that pique their curiosity, but INTJs are in search of a challenge that can allow them to solve problems and learn.


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