7 Obvious Signs of an Unhealthy INTJ & Ways to Get Better

7 Obvious Signs of an Unhealthy INTJ & Ways to Get Better

An unhealthy INTJ can be stubborn, reckless, and impulsive, as well as emotionally and socially withdrawn.

When INTJs are their normal, healthy selves, they are known as the Masterminds of the 16Personalities universe. In fact, their sharp minds, paired with their perceptive, rational, and intuitive nature, make this personality type highly intelligent and strong.

However, like any other personality type or individual, INTJs also have limitations that, when exceeded, make their cognitive functions work against them. This article will shed light on the meaning of an unhealthy INTJ, the tell-tale signs of a Mastermind in distress, and more.

Key Takeaways

  • An unhealthy INTJ tends to be impulsive, uncompromising with their ideas and plans, withdrawn, and overly analytical.
  • INTJs experience stress when their beliefs and knowledge are deeply questioned to the point of confusion, as well as when they are exposed to trauma or extreme stress.
  • An unhealthy INTJ needs to set aside time for self-reflection, self-expression, and physical wellness, as well as set up healthy boundaries to counter their destructive coping mechanisms.

Healthy vs. Unhealthy INTJs

Healthy vs. Unhealthy INTJs

One of the most prominent differences between healthy INTJs vs. unhealthy ones is that healthy INTJs use their intellect and analytical gift to process, interpret, and validate information based on multiple perspectives.

In their healthy state of mind, INTJs are also immune to criticism, open to innovative suggestions, and capable of devising solutions befitting the circumstances they are faced with.

Contrastingly, an unhealthy INTJ becomes less considerate and aware of how their disposition, choice of words, and opinions may affect the people around them. They may also have unrealistic expectations and judge those who openly express their emotions.

Furthermore, driven by distorted thought patterns, unhealthy INTJs develop tunnel vision and fail to see the bigger picture when faced with problems or obstacles.

5+ Reasons Why INTJs Become Unhealthy

5+ Reasons Why INTJs Become Unhealthy

Some of the most common reasons why INTJs become unhealthy include:

  • Being exposed to stress
  • Experiencing severe trauma
  • Relying on their perfectionistic viewpoint too much
  • Having their intuitive capabilities challenged by others
  • Facing their past mistakes and failures
  • Being pushed to use cognitive functions that contradict their analytical nature, such as extraverted sensing (Se), which entails using the five senses to interpret the world around them, and extraverted feeling (Fe), which focuses on social awareness and being empathic

An INTJ’s mind is like the blueprint of a massive battleship or an industrial building. Their brains move like clockwork, fueled by objectivity, abstract concepts, and fact-based conclusions.

While this may seem like the perfect roadmap to overcoming possibly any obstacle in life, it is also a one-dimensional path that downplays the INTJ’s need to self-reflect and nurture their connections with other people to grow and improve.

For instance, the INTJ’s dominant and auxiliary cognitive functions make them disregard the importance of considering other people’s perspectives and needs.

Introverted intuition (Ni) can cause unhealthy INTJs to overthink and overanalyze every single detail and drift further from realistic perceptions. As such, they may find it difficult to make sound decisions. In the same manner, the Mastermind’s extraverted thinking (Te) undermines their sensitivity to other people’s feelings.

The INTJ’s dark side also triggers their shadow functions—the underdeveloped aspects of their personality type. These include:

The more they isolate themselves within their mental maze, the more INTJs get stuck in what experts call a Ni-Fi loop. In this loop, Masterminds are obsessed with defending themselves from the outside world with their theories and emotionally charged suspicions of others.

7 Tell-Tale Signs of an Unhealthy INTJ

7 Tell-Tale Signs of an Unhealthy INTJ

Whether you’re an INTJ or know a person who belongs to this type, the following tell-tale signs of an unhealthy INTJ will help you recognize the negative patterns early on. Consequently, you can figure out the proper approach to address and resolve these destructive behavioral responses.

#1. “My Way or the Highway” Mindset

The unhealthy INTJ’s mind becomes clouded by their own ideas, perceptions, and interpretations of the world around them.

Since they usually trust their Ni the best, it often results in their inability to consider external opinions, particularly those that oppose their judgment and thinking.

For example, Walter White from Breaking Bad and Scar from The Lion King are examples of unhealthy INTJ fictional characters. They demonstrate how a Mastermind’s single-mindedness can lead to making careless decisions and pushing themselves to failure.

#2. Impulsivity and Recklessness

When faced with extreme levels of stress, unhealthy INTJs make impulsive decisions such as overexerting their bodies to the point of physical exhaustion, unnecessary spending, and binge eating.

Normally, their healthy and thriving counterparts can keep their reckless tendencies and behavioral responses in check. Unfortunately, a distressed Mastermind functions in a way that contradicts their usually composed, collected, and calculated selves.

#3. Silent Treatment

What is Silent Treatment?

INTJs are introverts, which makes confrontation an uncharacteristic way for them to deal with conflict and misunderstandings.

However, a healthy INTJ understands that balance is key to processing their emotions and experiences internally. As such, they leave room for vulnerability and other people’s perceptions when analyzing their emotions.

In contrast, when they are influenced by their shadow cognitive functions, they regard any sign of emotional reaction as a form of weakness. Due to this, they distance themselves from others and give people who may have hurt or agitated them the silent treatment.

#4. Emotional Detachment

Unhealthy INTJs become ruthless and cold and use their perceptive ways to manipulate people for selfish gain. The more Masterminds detach themselves from their emotions, fears, and apprehensions, the more desensitized they become to the struggles and needs of others.

The lack of empathy in their decision-making and judgment can be harmful not just to the people around them but also to themselves.

Inside the mind of an unhealthy INTJ, the consequences of their actions are non-existent.

They could care less about hurting a friend, relative, or colleague’s emotions in their pursuit of achieving what they want. As such, unhealthy INTJs end up losing friends and destroying valuable relationships along the way.

#5. Disregarding Physical Wellness and Health

An INTJ’s mind can be their greatest asset, but it can also be their prison. The danger of being caught up in their ideas and perceptions is that they end up losing touch with reality and disregarding their physical wellness.

Given that INTJs are more fascinated by abstract ideas and creating mind maps for themselves, their unhealthy tendencies make them more inclined to undermine the importance of exercise and a healthy diet.

Therefore, an unhealthy INTJ may already be starving, exhausted, and dehydrated, but their obsession with their internal world keeps them from proactively addressing their health issues.

#6. Bending Facts and Logic

Unhealthy INTJ & Ways to Get Better

The INTJ’s tendency to use their intellect to deal with their emotions, relationships, and aspirations makes them poorly equipped to handle situations that logic cannot resolve.

A healthy INTJ can accept the truth, even if it means that their initial perception is incorrect.

On the other hand, an unhealthy INTJ will attempt to bend logic and facts to fit their opinions instead of focusing on uncovering the truth.

This is why an INTJ with poor coping habits will block input and ideas from others in an argument or debate. They become slaves to their own judgment and thinking, futilely trying to justify their unbalanced analysis in the face of truth for the sake of being right.

#7. Excessive Criticism

Unhealthy INTJs criticize not just emotionally expressive people but also themselves. They instantly feel revolted by their past mistakes and fail to recognize the insightful lessons they can gain from their failures and imperfections.

An overly distressed INTJ resents themselves for their shortcomings and may even get defensive when their failures are brought to the spotlight.

How to Heal & Become a Healthier INTJ: 5+ Mindful Strategies

How to Heal & Become a Healthier INTJ

Now that you know the different unhealthy INTJ traits, here are seven strategies to help overcome these maladaptive tendencies. These will also help you adopt healthier and more proactive ways to deal with external and internal stress.

#1. Honor and Recognize Your Emotions

Your emotions are not hindrances to your goals. Rather, they are building blocks that help you gain a better understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Regardless of whether you’re an unhealthy INTJ male or female, you must realize that, no matter how intellectually gifted you are, you cannot think your way through everything logically.

Instead of avoiding your emotions, you should work towards acknowledging them and embracing the discomfort they bring. Facing your fears and anxieties takes a lot of courage, but it is also a freeing and rewarding experience.

Furthermore, expanding your intellectual capabilities helps you become more adept at what you do best. Likewise, nurturing your emotional and sensing aspects makes you more grounded and in touch with reality.

#2. Set Personal & Professional Boundaries

For INTJs, confronting their past mistakes, acknowledging other people’s needs, and accepting external opinions and input can be overwhelming at times.

But, by learning how to set healthy boundaries in their personal and professional lives, unhealthy INTJs can create a safe haven where they can feel secure enough to deal with their physical, emotional, and intellectual triggers head-on.

Some effective ways in which an unhealthy INTJ can build solid boundaries include recognizing that they don’t have to be right all the time. They must also understand that, aside from solving puzzles and problems, they also need to find time to analyze their strengths and weaknesses.

#3. Set Aside Time to Rest

Set Personal & Professional Boundaries

Don’t underestimate the positive effects of getting enough sleep and rest on your well-being.

If you’re an INTJ who finds themselves exhibiting one or more of the unhealthy INTJ traits we’ve described in this article, take it as a sign that your mind and body are beyond exhausted.

Allow yourself to rest by getting enough sleep, setting up a spa appointment, or taking a long and warm bath. You can also sit back on your couch and binge-watch your favorite TV shows. Give yourself the luxury of sitting or lying down and just savoring the moment before you start the cogwheels of your brain once again.

#4. Meditate and Eat Nutritious Foods

Speaking of resting and relaxation, finding time to unwind won’t be complete without having a balanced diet and meditating.

According to the National Health Institute, the health benefits of meditation include the development of positive emotions and coping strategies for PTSD, stress, depression, and anxiety. Moreover, meditation also helps regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

A healthy mind also needs a healthy body for it to continue functioning at its full capacity.

Therefore, eating nutritious foods also pushes you to make an effort to nurse your unhealthy INTJ self back to normal. Some simple ways to get started include researching tasty and nutritious recipes you can try at home and being more mindful of your daily water intake.

#5. Find Healthy Ways For Self-Expression

Healthy self-expression may be in the form of journaling, writing stories, engaging in sports, singing, or painting—it all depends on your interests and hobbies.

Expressing your thoughts and emotions in different ways keeps you from suppressing your thoughts and internal struggles. It allows you to understand the different shades and shapes of your thought processes and emotional responses.

#6. Take Personality and Intelligence Tests

Take Personality and Intelligence Tests for Self Improvement

Personality tests are useful tools that enable you to explore key aspects of your identity that you have yet to uncover or get acquainted with.

For instance, it’s recommended to find out whether you’re an INTJ-A or INTJ-T personality type so that you can figure out specific ways to deal with stress based on your subtype.

Conversely, you can also learn how to address your emotions in a healthier manner or discover how to expand your intellectual capabilities by taking emotional intelligence tests or assessments that focus on the different types of intelligence.

Final Thoughts

The INTJ mind is undoubtedly magnificent, but it can also be a source of crippling and neurotic behavioral patterns when pushed to its limits and devoid of a nurturing space.

Plus, helping an unhealthy INTJ heal and overcome their maladaptive habits can be tricky, considering how they tend to shun emotions, create distance, and distort reality.

So, the key is to have patience and courage when uncovering and facing one’s vulnerabilities. INTJs must learn that expressing emotions and accepting other people’s opinions is not a sign of weakness but rather an admirable exhibition of resilience and strength.

Unhealthy INTJ FAQ

#1. What are the red flags of INTJs?

Some of the red flags of INTJs that usually signify nearing one’s breaking point include feeling impatient, excessive eating and drinking, engaging in impulsive behavior or decision-making, and restlessness.

#2. Can INTJs be messy?

Yes, INTJs can be messy, particularly when they are under a lot of stress. They may be experiencing cognitive overload or feel stuck between wanting and not wanting to find a logical solution to their problem.

As such, they feel inept at keeping up with life’s demands and find it challenging to manage the simplest tasks, such as household chores and maintaining a clean living space.

#3. Who is the hardest partner for INTJ?

The hardest partners for an INTJ would have to be people with either the ESTJ, ISFP, ESFJ, or ISFJ personality types. These personalities are Sensors and may not be very compatible with the strategic and analytical nature of INTJs.

#4. Why are INTJs so hard to read?

INTJs are hard to read because their logical and analytical nature makes them easily pinpoint specific social cues and behaviors that help people learn a few key traits about them. As such, you can say that, through careful observation, Masterminds have learned a few tricks on how to conceal their true thoughts and demeanor from the public eye.

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