20 Extremely Relatable INTJ Memes

20 Extremely Relatable INTJ Memes

Have you ever seen a meme so accurate and typical of you that you couldn’t believe your eyes?

If so, you’ve also probably seen some memes that may have something to do with your personality type. INTJ people share several distinctive traits that often inspire people to create funny and relatable pictures.

Today we explore the most relatable INTJ memes that’ll make you exclaim: ”Me too!” and remind you of what INTJ people are famous for!

19+ INTJ Memes That Accurately Depict the Mastermind Personality

Without further ado, let’s see what characteristics appear most often in the memes associated with the INTJ personality type.

INTJs Are Often Insensitive

INTJ Memes

INTJ people are gifted with immensely bright minds and amazing intuition (courtesy of their Ni—their dominant cognitive function). These traits make INTJs rather perceptive. Still, the fact that they read through people doesn’t mean they understand and validate their feelings.

At times, INTJs are unaware of other people’s emotions since, for them, it’s more interesting to analyze their minds and competence. But most of the time, they simply don’t care.

Detached INTJ People

INTJs aren’t emotional and don’t know how to react to someone else’s emotional outbursts. So, if you expect them to comfort you with a bunch of encouraging words and wipe away your tears, you may be in for a disappointment.

The reason for this is that INTJ people don’t feel comfortable when witnessing others expressing their feelings. They consider it a weakness or instability, which often awakens resentment in them.

Relatable INTJ People

INTJs can be amazing friends, partners, and excellent motivators. Yet, their yearning to criticize others is often too much to handle. The biggest problem is that they don’t know how to do it mildly or empathetically.

INTJ people also hardly ever tolerate other people’s opinions, so their response to these can be pretty tumultuous. This happens because INTJs often believe they’re smarter than others and know things better. That being said, your INTJ friend or partner may sound harsh even when they intend to give you well-meaning advice.

Inferior Extraverted Sensing (Se)

Is it really easier for the dead to rise than for INTJ people to show some compassion?

The truth is—it probably is!

Besides being quite critical and cold, INTJs are often focused on themselves. Their main goal in life is to improve, gain new knowledge, and prosper, which leaves people around them in the shade. They care so much about their own goals and concerns that they fail to acknowledge other people’s feelings. This happens due to their inferior Extraverted Sensing (Se) function, which, at times, makes them seem detached from the world.

INTJs Don’t Like Being Around People

Introverted personality types

Have you ever invited an INTJ to hang out, only to hear a bunch of excuses? Don’t worry—it’s not that they don’t want to spend time with you. It’s just that they don’t feel like being in other people’s company at any given moment due to their need for quality “me time.”

Being one of the eight introverted personality types, INTJs like hanging out with people similar to them, but not as often as other people would. If they are usually friendly with you and like your company, but open the “excuse” drawer from time to time, don’t take it personally. They’ll probably reach out to you as soon as they feel the need to socialize again.

Relatable INTJ Characteristis

No neighbors, no dozens of “good mornings” on their way to the local supermarket, and well... no other people at all. That’s what the perfect vicinity of an INTJ would look like. A place where they can be alone is what they need to contemplate and think of all ways to accomplish their vision.

The best option for INTJ people would be to leave their piece of paradise only when they really feel like communicating with others again!

Funny INTJ Memes

Given that INTJs aren’t fans of being around people for too long, they don’t appreciate their private space being invaded. This means that they aren’t huggers and won’t be quite happy if you decide to suddenly caress them. They accept these signs of affection only from people they care for—otherwise, they get uncomfortable.

Strengths and Weaknesses of INTJ

Although INTJs may look tough and bold due to their serious attitude, they can be quite anxious when they have to communicate with others. This comes from their regular social awkwardness, but it’s not present only when they meet people face-to-face. They’ll feel equally uneasy when ordering fast food by phone or contacting anyone they don’t know!

INTJs Are Highly Rational and Think They Are Always Right

INTJ rational thinking

Due to their well-developed rational thinking, INTJ people would rather rely on their reasoning than on their emotions. Before they confirm that something is true, they’ll analyze it as many times as necessary and answer every “why” that may emerge along the way. There’s no room for emotions or softness in their decision-making system, so they’re always objective.

Problem solving INTJ people

People with the INTJ personality type find it hard to understand that their loved ones sometimes just need a shoulder to cry on. Once INTJs hear their concerns, they don’t want to waste time patting their backs or comforting them. Instead, they choose to analyze the problem and suggest several applicable solutions to it.

While this is definitely a well-intended gesture, it’s not always what others want to hear in such situations. For this reason, they may start to avoid confiding in their INTJ friends or partners, knowing they can’t expect much emotional support.

Personality traits of INTJ

When an INTJ believes they’re right, there’s little you can do to change their opinion. Since they spend so much time thinking and analyzing, they can always support their claims with hard evidence. Even when other people don’t like what they have to say, INTJs will find a way to impose their opinion and perspective as a valid one—because they know it is.

Introverted Intuition (Ni)

Thanks to their dominant Introverted Intuition (Ni), INTJ people can anticipate the outcomes of diverse situations. Since they love giving advice and solving problems, they’ll do all in their power to warn you about the issues that may emerge. And logically, if they’re right, they won’t hesitate to serve you a jubilant “told you so” regardless of whether you listened to them or not.

INTJ Relationship struggle

It’s not uncommon for INTJs to believe that they’re more competent than other people. This applies to all aspects of their lives— career, friendships, and also love. They simply think that others need to work hard to reach their level of intelligence and often suffer from a superiority complex.

Superiority Complex int this personality type

Wait… What do you mean, “an INTJ is wrong?” Is this possible at all?

The answer is—definitely yes. INTJs make mistakes just like other people, but they’re often too proud to admit it. Such a trait can make their relationships with family, friends, or colleagues difficult and cause conflicts. Yet, if they aren’t unhealthy by nature, INTJ people will learn how to accept their mistakes and admit they were wrong.

INTJs Hide Their Emotions

Best INTJ Memes

The fact that INTJ people are neither touchy-feely nor too expressive regarding their feelings doesn’t mean they don’t have emotions. You’d be surprised to discover how many different emotions they bear inside of them, but are afraid to show them. For them, putting their feelings in the spotlight is unnecessary and makes them feel vulnerable.

Famous INTJ Death Stare

People who meet an INTJ for the first time may be puzzled by the indifferent look on their face and the occasional “ death stare” they tend to give to people.

But, although it may look as if they have a single face for all emotions in the human spectrum, they do live through those feelings on the inside. And, once you get to know them better, you’ll be able to notice when they get sad, happy, or anxious without much deciphering.

INTJs Plan and Overthink All the Time

INTJ memes we relate to

Due to their Ni function, INTJ people don’t perceive the world through present moments. They are always more focused on their future missions and seek long-term life improvement.

That being said, INTJs tend to use their free time to brainstorm new ideas and plan big strategies for the future. At times, they won’t even realize how much they’ve delved into the process until they notice it’s the morning and they haven’t slept at all!

INTJ Cognitive Functions

INTJ minds are miraculous but also quite burdened. INTJs store loads of information in their heads and don’t want to miss anything. Due to this, they also tend to overthink various situations and relationships with people to make sure they understand them correctly.

Extraverted Thinking (Te) function

People with the INTJ personality type live to make plans. Be it a vacation, an evening with friends, or a romantic proposal, they need to have all the details planned out. This happens due to their Extraverted Thinking (Te) function, which makes them seek order and structure in everything they do. On this journey, INTJs usually spend most of the time analyzing and overthinking, making sure everything is going according to plan.

INTJ Memes that cure Depression

If there’s something INTJs hate most (besides stupid people), it’s a change of plans. So, in case you want to drive them crazy, just cancel your date with them or postpone your planned activities. It’s a sure-fire way to make them feel irritated and quickly lose respect for you.

Final Words

And that’s all! We truly believe these INTJ memes perfectly describe what every person with this personality type identifies with. However, keep in mind that these are just pictures—the INTJ world has much more to offer and many more important traits to reveal!

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