8 ENTJ Hobbies: Commanders During Their Leisure Time

8 ENTJ Hobbies: Commanders During Their Leisure Time

As an ENTJ, you are a self-confident leader and don’t need any personality test to tell you what to do with your free time or what the best ENTJ hobbies are. The thing is, you easily get so consumed by your work that you’re often left with little or no free time at all.

However, we’re not here to point fingers. The purpose of this article is to help you strike a better work/life balance.

Knowing how to value the simple joys is especially important for ENTJs because they tend to think that things that do not produce immediate results are a waste of time.

So, we’ve prepared a list of activities that will help ENTJs unwind, release the extra energy they suppress, and tickle their creativity at the same time.

Key Takeaways

  • ENTJs are energetic, driven visionaries with exceptional leadership skills. They are also rational, quick-witted, and goal-oriented individuals with a diverse range of passions and interests.
  • The best ENTJ hobbies include reading, debating, cooking, traveling, playing strategic board games, mentoring other people, investing and trading, and practicing martial arts.
  • The ideal pastime for an ENTJ would be anything that helps them unwind, relax, and build a stronger connection to their emotional and physical selves through movement and mental stimulation.

Overview of the ENTJ Personality Type

8 ENTJ Hobbies

The ENTJ personality type is determined by four key cognitive functions: extraversion (E), intuition (N), thinking (T), and judging (J). In general, they are open-minded, communicative individuals who enjoy socializing and draw energy from interacting with other people.

Thanks to their extraverted intuition, they are big-picture thinkers, inclined toward the future rather than focusing on the here and now. They are excellent strategists who constantly seek ways to improve systems and achieve their goals as efficiently as possible.

As thinkers (T), ENTJs are highly logical and analytical and prefer to rely on facts and objective reality when making decisions. They may neglect both their own and others’ emotions as they believe being objective is imperative, which often makes them seem too direct and bold in their communication with others.

The pronounced judging cognitive function gives them a strong sense of organization and structure. ENTJs like to plan their time and are great at organizing other people’s time as well.

The combination of these traits makes ENTJs innovative, daring, and charismatic leaders who naturally take charge in every situation.

In addition, ENTJs also have a playful side, particularly when it comes to intellectual discussions and problem-solving challenges. Moreover, this is one of the things we’ll focus on when proposing the best ENTJ hobbies.

8 Hobbies & Interests Suitable for ENTJ Personality

ENTJ Personality Type

ENTJ hobbies and interests are always goal-oriented, as they like to be active even when they are resting. The last thing on their mind when it comes to leisure time is binge-watching TV shows and staying in bed the whole day. So, here are some ideas for ideal ENTJ hobbies:

#1. Reading

Though it may seem like reading would be a preferred choice for an introverted personality type, it is also an excellent choice for ENTJs because they love learning new things.

So, while they probably won’t find much pleasure in reading classics, reading specific books that support personal and professional development is a great ENTJ hobby.

That’s because ENTJs aspire to be competent and powerful individuals, and they like books that inspire them to see things from new perspectives, solve problems, and think creatively.

Therefore, they might like “ The Art of War” by Sun Tzu or “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek and similar literature that focuses on personal and professional development.

#2. Debating

ENTJs love engaging in conversations and smart discussions that fuel their inner fire. They have a way with words and enjoy refining their debating skills with worthy opponents. What other types may perceive as conflict, to them, is an exciting exchange of differing views.

Lively discussions and debates are also a great way for them to release some of their pent-up energy. In a heated debate, an ENTJ will dive headfirst into the subject at hand and passionately argue their point.

However, they will also be deeply grateful if they realize they were wrong about something, as they appreciate every chance to learn and aren’t afraid of change.

So, regardless of whether they come out on top or not, they feel refreshed after a good debate, as it stimulates them to think on their feet, learn something new, and possibly change their perspective.

#3. Cooking

ENTJ Hobbies

ENTJs have a strong hedonistic streak and a taste for the finer things in life. When they like a dish, they want to know everything about it. So, while cooking is rarely their career choice, it is a great pastime for them as it allows them to relax and focus on pleasure.

Moreover, cooking pushes busy ENTJs to shift their focus from the future to the here and now, and this shift has a very relaxing effect on them. Instead of constantly grinding toward their goals, cooking allows them to enjoy the little things, try new tastes, play with the ingredients, and be creative.

They will also get more out of it if they can cook for or with friends since they love being around other people.

#4. Traveling

Even though ENTJs typically have a strong desire to succeed and rise to positions of power, they also enjoy traveling and taking part in various adventures. Traveling is a great ENTJ hobby, as it satisfies their thirst for new and exciting experiences while also allowing them to distance themselves from their schedules and to-do lists.

Plus, ENTJs will enjoy every aspect of traveling, from planning the trip to exploring the destination. Another perk of traveling is the opportunity it gives them to broaden their horizons, experience different cultures, and appreciate the simple things in life.

#5. Playing Strategic Board Games

Strategic games are a great ENTJ hobby because they provide mental stimulation to them, challenging their analytical and problem-solving skills and keeping their minds sharp and active.

Their competitive spirit also finds relief in these kinds of games, as they promote healthy competition. ENTJs like intellectual challenges and opportunities to strategize and outmaneuver opponents.

When playing a strategic game, an ENTJ can play to their strengths while improving their abilities in decision-making and strategic thinking.

Moreover, strategic games are great for satisfying ENTJ's need for social interaction since they typically involve playing with others, such as friends and family.

#6. Investment & Trading

Investment and trading can be an excellent ENTJ hobby and a side gig primarily because it allows them to use their biggest strengths, such as strategic decision-making and analytical thinking skills.

Plus, it is hard for an ENTJ to do something without any particular goal in mind, and trading and investment allow them to have a sense of achievement.

Moreover, investment and trading provide ENTJs with the independence and autonomy they need while also challenging them to constantly learn as they have to keep up with market and industry trends.

Finally, ENTJs enjoy expanding their knowledge base, so this hobby feels rewarding for them on many levels, not to mention the additional income they can make this way. For all these reasons, investment and trading could also be listed as the best ENTJ personality careers.

#7. Mentorship

Mentorship is a great ENTJ hobby because ENTJs are natural leaders and enjoy inspiring other people to pursue their dreams.

Although they do not display much empathy or vulnerability, it is not because they lack these qualities. Rather, they view them as flaws and prefer to show their emotions through acts of service to others.

For this reason, mentoring others can be deeply fulfilling for them, as it gives them an opportunity to connect with others through their strengths.

Therefore, sharing experience, knowledge, and expertise with mentees and witnessing their growth feels rewarding for ENTJs on more than one level. Moreover, it allows them to have a positive impact on other people’s lives.

#8. Martial Arts

entj personality hobbies

Martial arts are an excellent ENTJ hobby because they provide them with a healthy outlet for expressing their aggressive energy and relieving stress, thus promoting mental clarity. Plus, martial arts help ENTJs cultivate focus and discipline while supporting their physical well-being.

Moreover, one of the biggest benefits of martial arts for ENTJs is that it engages both their minds and their bodies. ENTJs, like many other thinking personality types, tend to disconnect from their physical selves and their emotions, which can cause them to feel overwhelmed and exhausted.

Thus, ENTJs not only get in shape and learn self-defense techniques through martial arts, but they also enhance their stress response and foster a better body/mind balance.

Additionally, despite the common gender prejudice surrounding martial arts, this is one of the best ENTJ female hobbies, just as it is one of the best ENTJ male hobbies.

Final Thoughts

Being an ENTJ means having a wide range of interests and passions. Therefore, an ENTJ hobby list must be versatile, to say the least.

From strategic games, martial arts, and mentorship to investment and trading, each hobby reflects some of the key ENTJ traits, like leadership, strategic thinking, and a drive for continuous improvement.

These hobbies are more than just a pastime for ENTJ. They have a huge impact on their quality of life in general, as they contribute to their personal development, sense of fulfillment, and psychological and physical health.


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