25+ Relatable ENTJ Memes That Will Make You Laugh

25+ Relatable ENTJ Memes That Will Make You Laugh

Everyone deserves a break once in a while—yes, even ENTJs. Still, if you’re like most people with this personality type, you probably think that breaks are a waste of time.

But what if we told you that there’s a way to get some rest from work while staying productive?

That’s right—it’s looking at memes that will not only make you laugh but also teach you a thing or two about yourself!

So, if you’re ready for a laugh, stick around for more than 25 ENTJ memes that perfectly sum up the Commander personality type.

26 Funny ENTJ Memes You’ll Definitely Relate To

If you’re looking to kick back, relax, and have a good laugh, here are some memes about the ENTJ personality type that you’ll certainly enjoy:

ENTJs Are Competitive

ENTJ Memes

Incompetence and laziness are two things that ENTJs hate the most but have to deal with almost daily. So, you can only imagine the joy that meeting someone who matches their ambition and determination brings them! Yet there’s one thing that can kill their happiness in the blink of an eye—finding out that the same person is more successful than them.

Competitive and individualistic personality type

ENTJs are competitive and individualistic people. As such, they don’t like being compared to others, and this includes people who share their personality type. They strive to be the best to the point where no one can compare to them!

The highest-earning personality types

ENTJs are never satisfied with being second best, and even more so when it comes to things they care deeply about, such as their career and income. So, even though they’re among the highest-earning personality types, learning that ESTJs earn more on average can unleash their fury—even if the difference between the two is just $1,000!

ENTJ Memes

Thanks to their competitive nature, ENTJs don’t just wallow in sadness and self-pity when things go wrong. On the contrary, these people have such strong personalities that hard times and setbacks only boost their determination to succeed in life!

ENTJs Are Efficient

Extraverted thinking (Te)

This ENTJ meme is not only funny but also very realistic. Since the dominant ENTJ cognitive function is extraverted thinking (Te), these people are very efficient. This means that they won’t waste their time describing themselves in three words—even when that’s what the hiring manager asked of them—if they can do it in a single word!

ENTJ cognitive function

Since ENTJs value efficiency above all else, it’s no surprise that they have excellent time management skills. Instead of cramming up their schedules, they usually set the right priorities and evaluate which activities are worth their time.

They want to ensure that they’re getting the most out of their day, so don’t take it personally if they ask you for details before making plans with you!

ENTJ cognitive function

There are many simple pleasures in life—seeing a beautiful sunset, drinking the first sip of coffee in the morning, and so on. While ENTJs can appreciate all of them, to them, nothing beats being a part of an efficient team!

ENTJs Avoid Emotions

Introverted feeling (Fi)

This ENTJ meme perfectly encapsulates Commanders’ attitude toward emotions. Since introverted feeling (Fi) is their weakest cognitive function, ENTJs don’t want anything to do with feelings and emotions. They deem them useless, so whenever possible, they’ll try to get rid of them!

ENTJ Memes

ENTJs aren’t the only personality types that aren’t in tune with their emotional side. Besides other intuitive thinkers— INTPs, INTJs, and ENTPs ISTPs also feel uncomfortable discussing their feelings. Funnily enough, although all these personality types thrive in debates, once the topic switches to feelings and emotions, you won’t hear anything but crickets!

Relatable ENTJ Memes

If there’s one thing that can scare an ENTJ to death, it’s being in a relationship with an emotionally needy person.

They may be bold and dominant, but if you try to approach them to talk about your emotional needs, relationship problems, and similar topics, they’ll likely do whatever it takes to avoid it! Unsurprisingly, ENTJs are generally more compatible with thinking personality types than they are with INFPs and other “feelers.”

Thinking personality types

ENTJs might avoid emotions, but this doesn’t mean that they are cold and heartless. They may react calmly to real-life situations, but you’d be surprised to find out how easily sad movies can bring them to tears!

ENTJs Are Hard-Working

ENTJ Memes

Thanks to Te, ENTJs are extremely hard-working and responsible people. While some career-oriented people like to say “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” to excuse their poor sleeping habits, this isn’t the case with ENTJs. Dead or alive, they have meetings to attend!

Workaholic Personality Type

This is another ENTJ meme that shows the extent of the goal-oriented and hard-working nature of ENTJs. If they have work to do (and you bet they do!), they’ll simply ignore the physical symptoms of being tired. After all, nothing can keep them from their goals—not even the limitations of their own bodies!

ENTJ Memes

Given that ENTJs are quite unemotional, it isn’t that unexpected that they deal with sadness and depression a bit differently than most people. Instead of letting their feelings out, ENTJs—and unhealthy ENTJs in particular—distract themselves with work and responsibilities.

ENTJs Love Money

Extraverted sensing (Se)

It’s not that ENTJs are materialistic—they simply like the comfort and opportunities that come with having money. Well, at least that’s what they say, but no one can deny that most of them dream of living in the lap of luxury.

Their pursuit of wealth may be difficult to understand for some people, including ESFJs. But let’s not forget—ENTJs use extraverted sensing (Se) as their tertiary function, so it’s only natural that they crave the finer things in life!

ENTJ Memes

Since ENTJs are strong-minded people, they don’t strive to live up to society’s expectations unless they resonate with them. Naturally, many of them focus on their careers and financial success instead of starting a family. Besides, they just can’t resist the temptation of leading a quiet, drama-free life!

Materialistic personality type

This ENTJ meme further supports the point of the meme above. If ENTJs had to choose between having kids but no money or having money but no kids, it's not hard to guess which option most of them would take!

ENTJs Are Power-Hungry

ENTJ Memes

If you don’t believe it, take another look at this meme—apparently, people with this personality type are deemed to have more power than the Illuminati and the U.S. government. No wonder many of them go on to become famous and influential!

Power Hungry ENTJ Personality type

There’s a reason why Brain from the cartoon Pinky and the Brain is believed to be either an INTJ or an ENTJ fictional character. Even as children, ENTJs often dream of world domination. Needless to say, their high aspirations allow them to achieve great things in life, even if they don’t actually end up taking over the world!

ENTJ Memes

Although ruling the world might seem like a childish dream, it doesn’t go away once ENTJs become older. Quite the contrary, both ENTJs and INTJs—their introverted counterparts—have a life-long desire to become powerful!

ENTJ Hobbies

ENTJs are known to be systematic people, and this ENTJ meme represents how they organize their thoughts. Of course, among other things—such as a 10-year schedule, weird interests, and suppressed feelings—Commanders keep a separate file for dictatorship plans!

ENTJ and ESTJ personality types

While most other people would carefully consider which option to choose—leadership or cooperation—for ENTJ and ESTJ personality types, it’s a no-brainer. They’ll pick leadership over teamwork any day!

ENTJs Are Harsh and Scary

ENTJ Memes

You might have seen this ENTJ meme on Reddit or elsewhere, and there’s a good reason why it floats around the Internet—it’s simply too accurate! It’d be nearly impossible to find one ENTJ who hasn't been called rude or insensitive simply for offering their friends advice or a reality check.

Intuitive thinking personality types

As mentioned above, intuitive thinking personality types very much enjoy debates and intellectual discussions.

While sensing personality types simply aren’t that interested in talking about abstract matters, feeling personality types are anything but confrontational and competitive. They actually tend to find ENTJs and other intuitive thinkers too aggressive and harsh, especially when they fiercely defend their ideas!

NTJs and ESTJs

The strong presence of ENTJs and ESTJs can be pretty intimidating for others, especially if they aren't used to how blunt these personality types can be. The truth is that most Commanders and Executives secretly enjoy the fact that they intimidate others, as they believe it helps them command respect!


This meme shows that even the devil is captivated by Commanders and their ability to intimidate others without much effort. This isn’t surprising—Satan is widely believed to be an ENTP, so if there’s one personality type he’d get along with, it’s certainly ENTJ!

Final Thoughts

And that brings our list of ENTJ personality memes to an end!

Hopefully, you found this article entertaining and, at the same time, educational. After all, ENTJ memes aren’t just amusing. They also depict the strengths and weaknesses of this extraordinary personality type, including efficiency, competitiveness, perseverance, and many more!

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