Unhealthy ENTJ Personality: Causes, 8 Key Signs & Tips

Unhealthy ENTJ Personality: Causes, 8 Key Signs & Tips

An unhealthy ENTJ (Commander) personality is usually a result of prolonged exposure to stress. If left unmanaged, extreme stress can cause ENTJs to become overly critical of others, insensitive, and domineering. In other words, becoming unhealthy can highlight their most negative traits and turn their strengths—such as confidence—into weaknesses like arrogance.

In this article, we’ll analyze the unhealthy ENTJ personality through and through, shed light on the typical traits and behaviors of unhealthy Commanders, and share effective tips for healing.

Key Takeaways

  • The main difference between healthy and unhealthy ENTJs is that unhealthy ENTJs become selfish in pursuit of goals and develop tunnel vision instead of seeing the big picture.
  • ENTJs usually become unhealthy due to chronic stress, which affects how they use their cognitive functions. In some cases, their unhealthy traits can stem from their upbringing.
  • Some signs and traits of unhealthy ENTJs include insensitivity, lack of morality, isolation, and hypercriticism.
  • Unhealthy ENTJs can heal by learning more about themselves, journaling, and talking to a loved one or a professional.

Healthy vs. Unhealthy ENTJs

If you compare healthy vs. unhealthy ENTJ personalities side by side, you’ll notice that the unhealthy ENTJ personality lacks balance. While healthy ENTJs have both strengths and weaknesses, they don’t let their weak points get the best of them. Meanwhile, unhealthy ones often seem to only embody the dark side of the ENTJ personality type.

Healthy Commanders approach life with confidence, resilience, and a clear vision. Rational and strategic, they navigate challenges by making evidence-based decisions. And though they aren’t exactly humble, healthy ENTJs aren’t typically egocentric; they value fairness and normally wouldn’t harm others to get ahead.

By contrast, unhealthy ENTJs see life as a battlefield and may even adopt a “kill or be killed” mentality, leading them to believe that the ends justify the means. Rather than cooperating with others, they seek to assert dominance and don’t hesitate to take advantage of them.

Ultimately, unhealthy ENTJ males and females can become so consumed by their goals and hunger for power that they may lose sight of the bigger picture and other people’s feelings. Needless to say, this can wreak havoc on their personal and professional lives.

How ENTJs Become Unhealthy

ENTJs usually become unhealthy due to stress, as is the case with most personality types. Although Commanders tend to be mentally tough and see obstacles as opportunities for improvement, no personality type is completely immune to stress.

If ENTJs face chronic stress and can’t seem to find a way to handle it constructively, they may begin to display unhealthy traits and behaviors. Most of these may stem from their shadow cognitive functions, which usually become activated under extreme stress.

Unhealthy ENTJ Personality

Moreover, ongoing stress can cause ENTJs to fall prey to what is known as aFi grip.”

Simply put, this happens when Commanders lose access to their primary cognitive functions—except for inferior introverted feeling (Fi). This can make them act completely out of character; in this state, ENTJs become far more sensitive and withdrawn than usual.

Many also find themselves stuck in a Te-Se loop, meaning unhealthy ENTJs may switch between their extroverted functions without tapping into their auxiliary introverted intuition (Ni).

A loop between dominant extraverted thinking (Te) and tertiary extraverted sensing (Se) often manifests as impatience and impulsivity. As such, unhealthy ENTJs may become overly focused on the here and now and fail to consider the consequences of their actions.

Lastly, some Commanders may develop unhealthy personality traits as a result of their upbringing. For example, if their caregivers fail to foster emotional intelligence, Commanders may grow into inconsiderate, arrogant, or overly competitive individuals.

8 Signs & Traits of Unhealthy ENTJs

8 Signs & Traits of Unhealthy ENTJs

Without further ado, let’s explore the typical traits of unhealthy ENTJs, such as hypercriticism, insensitivity, isolation, and anger issues, among others.

#1. Hypercriticism

People with the ENTJ (Commander) personality type can be ruthlessly critical when unhealthy.

While healthy Commanders don’t forget to sprinkle criticism with praise—after all, it’s only fair to acknowledge the good alongside the bad—unhealthy ENTJs lose sight of the bigger picture. As a result, they may focus solely on other people’s mistakes and shortcomings and dish out biting remarks a little too liberally, to put it mildly.

Moreover, both healthy and unhealthy ENTJs hold themselves and others to very high standards. However, unhealthy ones have no patience or tolerance for people who fail to meet their expectations. As such, even a tiny mistake can cause an unhealthy ENTJ to go off on a needlessly harsh tirade.

#2. Insensitivity

Given that unhealthy ENTJs aren’t the type to bite their tongues, it goes without saying that they can be rather insensitive.

This is especially true for Commanders stuck in a Te-Se loop, as only relying on these cognitive functions makes it even harder for them to tap into their inferior Fi. Those in a “Fi grip,” meanwhile, often become uncharacteristically sensitive. Even so, they are usually more concerned with their own feelings than those of others.

When unhealthy, ENTJs can become quite self-serving, placing their personal goals and needs above those of others. They are also often guilty of emotional invalidation; it’s not unusual for them to deem emotionally expressive people as weak or, worse yet, dismiss other people’s feelings altogether.

#3. Anger Issues

Unhealthy ENTJs are notoriously bad at handling their emotions, especially anger. People who don’t pull up their weight, get in the way of their goals, or are simply less efficient may easily get on their nerves. Don’t be surprised if they even lash out at others; the unhealthier Commanders become, the finer and blurrier the line between frustration and rage gets.

Furthermore, some unhealthy ENTJs may leverage anger and aggression to bend others to their will. For example, they may intimidate others to get their way. They can be quite manipulative, both in relationships and in career endeavors.

#4. Weakened Sense of Moral Identity

Unhealthy ENTJs tend to display a weak sense of moral identity, which Sam A. Hardy and Gustavo Carlo from the University of California describe as the source of moral motivation that connects moral reasoning with actions. Simply put, ENTJs are more likely to go against their morals (e.g., do something that benefits them instead of the “right thing”) when unhealthy.

While Commanders aren’t particularly known for having a strong moral compass—after all, Fi is their inferior function—they typically have a good understanding of right and wrong. Sadly, unhealthy ENTJs can be morally detached to the point of exploiting others, manipulating them, and engaging in other immoral acts.

#5. Domineering Attitude

It’s no secret that ENTJs can be quite forceful; however, they can become downright bossy, unyielding, and overbearing when unhealthy. They often struggle with controlling behavior and insist on having things their way. So, if a Commander starts to push people around instead of leading them, chances are they’re becoming unhealthy.

Since unhealthy ENTJs feel superior to others, they’ll often dismiss other people’s advice and opinions. Moreover, they can become extremely competitive—there’s hardly anything they wouldn’t do to succeed.

#6. Confidence Issues

Commanders normally radiate confidence, and their charisma effortlessly draws people in. However, when unhealthy, ENTJs tend to have confidence issues; they either develop an inflated sense of self-importance and entitlement or, conversely, struggle with low self-worth and diminished self-confidence.

In both cases, unhealthy ENTJs lose their trademark charm. They also tend to come across as arrogant and condescending, whether because they actually think highly of themselves or try to mask their insecurities.

#7. Excessive Ambition

ENTJs are among the most ambitious personality types, and it’s fair to say this is one of their most admirable traits. However, their drive can become too much to handle—both for themselves and those around them—when they become unhealthy.

Unhealthy ENTJs often struggle with workaholism. Besides being competitive and setting unrealistic expectations, they may also work tirelessly, neglecting their physical and mental well-being. Not only do they expose their colleagues and reports to tremendous amounts of stress, but they also put themselves at risk of workplace burnout.

At worst, unhealthy Commanders may even wear burnout as a badge of honor instead of addressing it.

#8. Isolation

Social isolation is a tell-tale sign of the “Fi grip” many unhealthy ENTJs face. This isn’t to say that Commanders who enjoy spending time alone are necessarily unhealthy. On the contrary, solitude can be quite beneficial for ENTJs, and some of them enjoy occasional alone time despite their preference for extroversion.

However, if an ENTJ withdraws from friends and family and consistently avoids other people’s company, there’s a high possibility they may be unhealthy. Many Commanders isolate themselves from their loved ones when their feelings become too overwhelming to process—after all, handling emotions isn’t their strong suit.

How to Heal and Become a Healthier ENTJ: 3 Powerful Strategies

How to heal and become a healthier ENTJ

If you think you may be an unhealthy ENTJ, consider learning more about yourself, practicing meditation or journaling, and reaching out to other people to become a healthier version of yourself.

Let’s dissect each of these strategies:

#1. Learn More About Yourself

Self-awareness and personal development go hand in hand, which is why learning more about yourself is an effective first step to becoming a healthier ENTJ.

Besides, Commanders are often too busy to make time for themselves, which can cause them to lose touch with themselves. Therefore, even healthy ENTJs may benefit from learning more about who they are.

If you’ve already taken our free, exceptionally accurate personality test, here are five specialized assessment tools that may be relevant for unhealthy ENTJs:

#2. Practice Meditation and Journaling

Meditation, journaling, and other activities that promote introspection can be very helpful for unhealthy ENTJs. Besides giving you a chance (or excuse, given how hardworking ENTJs are!) to slow down, they also foster self-reflection, helping you to get to know yourself even deeper.

Moreover, such mindfulness exercises can help you identify your triggers and better control your emotions, allowing you to build a stronger relationship with yourself and those around you.

#3. Reach Out to Others

Unhealthy ENTJs often hesitate to reach out to others—be they family, friends, or mental health professionals—because they don’t want to appear weak. However, considering how hard it is for Commanders to admit they need help, it’s safe to say that the act is anything but weak; there’s no shame in vulnerability. Quite the contrary, it shows you’re strong enough to face your problems.

So, don’t hesitate to let your loved ones know what you’re going through. Not only is it liberating to get things off your chest, but it can also help you forge closer, more meaningful relationships with others.

If you don’t have a strong support system, aren’t comfortable discussing your troubles with others, or need professional help, consider talking to a licensed therapist. It can be truly life-changing, especially for unhealthy ENTJs.

Final Thoughts

Since an unhealthy ENTJ personality is typically the outcome of extreme stress, the best way to avoid developing it is to adopt effective stress relief strategies. Considering that it can also stem from your upbringing, you might also want to reflect on your childhood.

Now, if you’ve recognized yourself in this article, let it be a catalyst for positive change.

While it may not be comfortable to realize that your personality and behavior have become unhealthy, acknowledging it takes guts. Not to mention, it is the first step toward healing.

Luckily, ENTJs thrive on challenges, so it shouldn’t take you too long to get back to your normal, healthy, and happy self!

Unhealthy ENTJ FAQ

#1. How do you deal with a toxic ENTJ?

You can deal with a toxic ENTJ by being calm and assertive. Try to focus on facts and logic when communicating with them, as they value rationality and tend to dismiss emotions. If necessary, set clear boundaries with them or limit communication to avoid unpleasant interactions and unnecessary stress.

#2. How to be a better ENTJ?

To be a better ENTJ, you should focus on improving your emotional intelligence. Becoming more aware and considerate of other people’s feelings can help you build more fulfilling relationships with others and develop a more well-rounded personality.

#3. What are ENTJs not good at?

Most ENTJs are not good at handling emotions and emotionally charged situations, as empathy and compassion don’t always come naturally to them. Also, some ENTJs are bad at listening. While this doesn’t apply to all Commanders, some don’t have the patience to hear others out because they see little value in other people’s opinions.


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