ENTP vs. INFJ: What Are the Differences?
This difference between ENTPs vs INFJs is easy to see; Visionaries are quick-thinking extroverts who love to get into discussions and debate for any reason, while Counselors are more introverted and are driven by their values and empathy for others. If ENTPs are the ones riling up someone in a debate, INFJs are the ones who check on them after to see if they’re ok.
Key personality differences of ENTP and INFJ explained
Personality overview - ENTP vs INFJ
ENTP - The Visionary
ENTPs are extraverted, intuitive, thinking, and prospecting personality types. As their name might suggest, this personality loves a debate. Intelligent and quick-witted, ENTPs enjoy nothing more than the chance to stretch their skills with a lively discussion. Visionaries will even argue against their own viewpoint and play devil’s advocate for a shot at some mental sparring.
ENTPs are extremely curious and are always searching for knowledge, but they can feel acutely bored when doing the day-to-day work in between learning exciting new things or having lively debates.
INFJ - The Counselor
Counselor have a personality dominated by introversion, intuitiveness, feeling, and judgment. INFJs have very different personalities from Visionaries. One of the rarest personality types that exist, Counselors are driven primarily by their ideals and from a strong sense of altruism.
This personality tends to be shy and reserved, but they aren’t afraid to stand up for what’s right when they need to. Strong communicators and adept problem solvers, these sensitive souls tend to approach the world with the thought “how can I help?”.
Strengths - INFJ vs ENTP
One of ENTPs greatest strengths is their thirst for knowledge and ability to take on and understand even the most complicated of ideas. Visionaries don’t even have to learn for a purpose, to them learning for simply learning’s sake is enough to explore new knowledge. ENTPs are also incredibly quick, and these original thinkers can bounce from topic to topic, with them a unique take on ideas and information.
While they’re definitely not afraid of a good debate, ENTPs can also be very charismatic. This energetic and confident personality often comes across as magnetic and entertaining, especially when they’re on a role.
While ENTPs strengths lie in their energy and charisma, INFJs strengths lie in their sense of compassion. Counselors have a strong moral core and will stand with conviction for their beliefs. This sense of idealism means that INFJs will pursue their goals doggedly and have endless bouts of passion for projects that they believe in.
INFJs are incredibly altruistic; you’ll never find this personality intentionally hurting others. They also have wonderful insight and can easily read the emotions, needs and motivations of others.
Weaknesses - ENTP vs INFJ
ENTPs’ thirst for debate can leave them with quite an argumentative streak. This personality type can create a lot of tension and be rather insensitive to others in their quest for making their argument. Visionaries need to take care that they don’t dismiss and insult others.
While they love to learn, ENTPs can struggle to focus on a single project and see it through to the end. Practical matters like paperwork and day-to-day tasks are particularly boring to Visionaries and they can lose interest and focus in projects when it comes down to the hard yards.
While ENTPs have no trouble critiquing others, INFJs can be particularly sensitive to criticism. Because they believe in their principles so strongly, any critique of their work involving their values can be felt especially harshly by this personality type.
Counselors can also be at risk of burnout. They believe in their values so wholeheartedly that they often think putting in 110% and getting everything done perfectly is necessary and worth it. While admirable, this work ethic is hard to maintain and INFJs need to keep their perfectionism in check to ensure they don’t exhaust themselves.
INFJs can read the emotions of others with ease, but when it comes to their own feelings, Counselors tend to be a closed book. Counselors don’t want to burden others with their issues and tend to keep everything inside, letting it build and build.
Career - INFJ vs ENTP
With a strong intellect and sense of curiosity, ENTPs do best in roles that fascinate them, keep them on their toes, and allow them to use their brains. Visionaries need to be kept engaged, so being able to tackle new challenges and flex their creative and mental abilities is important.
Careers in engineering, acting, art or entrepreneurship can be good fits for ENTPs – providing new challenges and a creative outlet. Personal freedom is especially important to Visionaries and they should keep aware of their weaknesses to ensure that day-to-day tasks don’t start to overwhelm them.
Counselors , on the other hand, do best in careers that align with their principles and personal values. INFJs will do well in almost any job role, but will really thrive in a position where they feel like they are making a difference and connecting with people.
Creative and independent, Counselors will do well in leadership or freelance roles where they can be creative and have the freedom to apply their principles to their work.
Relationships - ENTP vs INFJ
Creative and inventive, ENTPs are exciting partners who never run out of ideas and activities to keep a relationship fresh and fun. First dates with Visionaries can be a lot to handle as this personality type likes to really find out who they’re talking to. Don’t be surprised if a Visionary tries to push your boundaries.
ENTPs aren’t afraid to let go of a relationship if it’s not growing or working for them; this is not a type who will settle. When they find a good match, Visionaries become encouraging and enthusiastic partners who love intimacy and help their loved ones to explore new things.
Unlike ENTPs, INFJs are never oblivious to the emotions and feelings of their loved ones. Counselors are especially perceptive individuals and are tuned in to how others are feeling and why.
Counselors are passionate and romantic partners who love to learn and grow alongside their loved ones. INFJs look for deep and meaningful connections – love is serious business for these types and they can be pretty picky when it comes to their perfect match.
The bottom line
It’s not hard to tell the difference between a Visionary and an Counselor. ENTPs and INFJs are driven by completely different goals, so while Visionaries thrive in exciting situations where they can argue and show off their wit, for INFJs, values, principles, and empathy are at the core of everything they do.