27 Relatable INFJ Fictional Characters

27 Relatable INFJ Fictional Characters

As an INFJ, you most likely enjoy immersing yourself in a fantasy world.

After all, you have an active imagination and a high level of empathy, so you can easily imagine yourself as part of a fictional universe, which can be lots of fun!

But have you ever wondered which of your favorite characters might be INFJs just like you? Well, let’s find out!

In this article, we will showcase 27 INFJ fictional characters you can easily relate to, including:

  • 5 INFJ Fictional Movie Characters
  • 5 INFJ Fictional TV Show Characters
  • 3 INFJ Fictional Animated Characters
  • 5 INFJ Fictional Video Game Characters
  • 5 INFJ Fictional Book Characters
  • 4 Unhealthy INFJ Fictional Characters

So, let’s jump right in!

5 INFJ Fictional Movie Characters

To start with, let’s take a look at the most typical INFJ fictional movie characters:

#1. Amélie Poulain (Amélie)

INFJ fictional characters

Credit: Everett Collection

Amélie Poulain is one of the most accurately portrayed INFJ fictional characters.

Amélie is an imaginative, introverted woman with a rich inner world. She is shy and private, and thus she’s reluctant to share her emotions even with the closest people. Like all INFJs, Amélie has strong morals and fights for justice. She makes it a point to punish bad behavior and help people who do good deeds.

Many INFPs try to claim Amélie as one of them. However, Amélie is very well-organized and tends to have an all-or-nothing kind of thinking, both of which are very characteristic of the INFJ judging aspect.

#2. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)

Obi-Wan Kenobi personality type

Credit: Everett Collection

Obi-Wan Kenobi is another typical INFJ fictional character.

Obi-Wan is idealistic and perceptive. He makes use of the dominant INFJ cognitive function, introverted thinking (Ni), to predict Anakin's descent into evil. He trusts his instincts and intuition, thus warning others about the threat that Anakin might become.

Obi-Wan is also very dedicated to the Jedi cause and sacrifices his personal life for the greater good. What’s more, like most INFJs, Obi-Wan is thoughtful and cautious, as he doesn’t make rash decisions.

#3. Edward Cullen (Twilight)

Popular male INFJ fictional characters

Credit: Everett Collection

One of the key INFJ strengths is empathy, which allows INFJs to not only understand people but also accurately read them.

Edward Cullen, similarly, is in touch with other people’s emotions. He also has telepathic abilities him allow them to read other people’s minds. This, however, isn’t the only reason why Edward is one of the most typical INFJ fictional movie characters.

Like most INFJs, Edward cares more about the people around him than he cares about himself. He bases his decisions around Bella’s wishes instead of trying to make personal gains.

#4. Rose Bukater (Titanic)

INFJ personality Rose Bukater

Credit: Everett Collection

Empathetic and self-sacrificing, Rose Bukater is another typical INFJ fictional character.

Rose feels different from other people, but this doesn’t stop her from being kind to others. She is compassionate and strives for the greater good, which is why she put her needs aside to help other passengers.

Not to mention, the movie also shows one of the most accurate depictions of the INFJ door slam, which happens when Rose cuts off her relationship with her mother.

#5. Yoda (Star Wars)

Personality type of Yoda

Credit: Everett Collection

It’s not unusual for INFJ fictional characters to have the role of a mentor, sage, shaman, or mystic. Yoda is just one example of that.

As a mature INFJ fictional character, Yoda has mastered both his secondary extraverted feeling (Fe) function and tertiary introverted thinking (Ti) function.

Because of this, Yoda is well-balanced: he is in tune with other people’s feelings and has well-developed logical thinking.

Essentially, Yoda is a great example, although fictional, of an INFJ that has mastered self-development. Nonetheless, it took Yoda more than 800 years to reach his potential, so don’t be so hard on yourself if you have trouble developing your Ti!

5 INFJ Fictional TV Show Characters

Curious to see which fictional TV show characters have the INFJ personality type? Let’s find out!

#1. Lady Melisandre (Game of Thrones)

Lady Melisandre INFJ fictional characters

Credit: Everett Collection

Lady Melisandre is one of the most mysterious Game of Thrones characters. She is a complex INFJ character, as she portrays both healthy and unhealthy INFJ characteristics.

Lady Melisandre, like many INFJs, doesn’t care much about social norms. Instead, she is guided by her inner values and her own vision of the future.

Because of her introverted intuition, Lady Melisandre is a great strategist. She is also a heavy user of her extraverted feeling, as she is in tune with other people’s emotions. When necessary, however, she will use this ability to manipulate people and get closer to her goals.

#2. Michael Scofield (Prison Break)

INFJ fictional characters

Credit: Everett Collection

Michael Scofield is another INFJ male fictional character that heavily uses the extraverted feeling.

Michael has a strong sense of community and doesn’t hesitate when he needs to fight for justice. In fact, the only reason he went to prison was that he wanted to help his brother break free.

As such, it’s clear that he easily sacrifices himself for the greater good, and like many INFJs, puts other people first.

#3. James (The End of the F***ing World)

James personality type

Credit: CharacTour

As an INFJ fictional character, James shows classic INFJ personality traits such as empathy. He tries his best to avoid conflict and maintain peace. Thanks to his extraverted feeling, James can easily read other people and sense their moods.

Not to mention, James also has a well-developed introverted intuition function, as he bases his decisions on his gut feelings.

#4. Ted Mosby (How I Met Your Mother)

Popular INFJ fictional characters

Credit: Everett Collection

Ted Mosby is a great example of an INFJ fictional character that hasn’t developed his tertiary function, introverted thinking.

Ted Mosby is intuitive, idealistic, and dedicated to those he loves. He constantly seeks to meet the right woman and believes that the universe will work things out in his favor.

However, Ted’s introverted thinking clearly isn’t his strongest suit - his actions are often illogical and counterproductive. For example, he wishes to get married but instead wastes his time on casual relationships that have no potential.

#5. Bonnie Bennett (The Vampire Diaries)

INFJ personality Bonnie Bennett

Credit: Erika Doss/The CW

Despite being a witch, Bonnie Bennett is a typical INFJ fictional character that many can relate to.

Bonnie is incredibly intuitive. She’s able to sense things before they happen and can read people without even knowing them.

Moreover, Bonnie is a skilled problem-solver and deeply cares about the people around her. Although she is private and doesn’t openly share her feelings, Bonnie is quick to stand up to injustice, manipulation, and cruelty.

3 INFJ Fictional Animated Characters

Now that you know what the most typical INFJ fictional characters in movies and TV are, let’s move on to animated characters.

Here are 3 animated INFJ fictional characters you definitely have something in common with:

#1. Elsa (Frozen)

Personality type of Elsa

Credit: Everett Collection

Like most INFJs, Elsa is very private, intuitive, and future-oriented. She bases her decisions on emotions instead of logic.

However, what makes her an accurate portrayal of the INFJ personality is the fact that she expects more from life than just following her village traditions.

Like many INFJs, Elsa is torn between pleasing others and seeking to find a deeper meaning behind her existence. Ultimately, she strives for freedom and depends on her intuitive insights to guide her through life.

#2. Lisa Simpson (The Simpsons)

INFJ fictional characters

Credit: Everett Collection

Lisa Simpson is a very typical INFJ fictional character that most INFJs find relatable.

Like many INFJs, Lisa feels misunderstood, primarily because she’s the only intuitive personality in her family. She is a perfectionist and has an idealistic view of the world.

Not to mention, she has strong values and high morals. She loudly speaks out about social justice issues such as animal rights, which most INFJs can relate to.

#3. Pocahontas (Pocahontas)

Pocahontas personality type

Credit: Everett Collection

Pocahontas is another well-portrayed INFJ fictional character who is heavily guided by introverted intuition and extraverted feeling.

In a true INFJ fashion, Pocahontas questions her existence, culture, and purpose in life. She thinks carefully before making any decisions and deeply cares about other people, as she doesn’t want to hurt or disappoint anyone.

If you’re an INFJ who loves Japanese animation, make sure to check out our article on INFJ anime characters!

5 INFJ Fictional Video Game Characters

Although determining the personality type of video game characters isn’t always easy, here are 5 INFJ fictional characters from video games that you simply can’t mistake for another personality type:

#1. Princess Zelda (The Legend of Zelda)

Popular INFJ fictional characters

Credit: CharacTour

Many INFJs have trouble mastering their inferior cognitive function, extraverted sensing. In this regard, Princess Zelda is no different - she is often disconnected or absent from the physical world.

Like a true INFJ, Zelda is a peacemaker who guides people toward a better future. She cares deeply about her homeland and would do anything to protect it, even if it means sacrificing herself.

#2. Istredd (The Witcher)

INFJ personality Istredd

Credit: Anton Nazarenko/CD Projekt RED

Istredd is perhaps the only INFJ fictional character from The Witcher series, but he is one that you simply can’t dislike.

Istredd was a loyal and idealistic sorcerer who was skilled at noticing patterns and reading people’s emotions. Like most INFJs, Istredd had a strong sense of morality and honor.

Istredd was also keen on archeology, which interests many INFJs. His curiosity and perfectionism led him to become one of the greatest archeologists and historians.

#3. Max Caulfield (Life is Strange)

Personality type of Max Caulfield

Credit: Everett Collection

Although you, as the player, are in control of Max Caulfield’s decisions and character, she clearly comes off as an INFJ.

Essentially, Max is guided by introverted intuition. No matter which option you as a player choose, she analyzes and considers all possible consequences, including the worst-case scenario.

Max is also very sensitive and aware of how her actions impact those around her, so she does her best to be kind to everyone.

#4. Razor (Genshin Impact)

Razor INFJ fictional characters

Credit: IGN

Razor is a boy with incredible intuition who was raised by wolves.

As is typical of INFJs, Razor is both spiritual and intuitive, and he’s always ready to fight for justice.

Razor is also very loyal to his pack, and although he doesn’t meet many people, he still has a friendly attitude whenever he encounters another human being.

#5. Karma (League of Legends)

INFJ fictional characters

Credit: League of Legends

Karma is perhaps the most well-developed INFJ fictional character in video games. Although a powerful champion, Karma is typically played in the support role.

Many INFJs feel like old souls, so you can probably relate to her - after all, Karma has reincarnated multiple times.

However, Karma’s true INFJ nature is revealed in her quotes, such as "Through reflection, we can focus the mind, and find a path around any obstacle" and "An open heart teaches more than open eyes."

Essentially, like most INFJs, Karma is empathetic. On top of that, she has great problem-solving skills and strives for personal growth. Because of her calm and confidence, Karma is most likely an INFJ-A subtype.

5 INFJ Fictional Book Characters

Ever wondered which book characters have the same personality type as you? Let’s find out who the most well-known INFJ fictional characters in literature are!

#1. Jay Gatsby (“The Great Gatsby”)

Jay Gatsby (“The Great Gatsby”)

Credit: RollingStone

Dedicated and compassionate, Jay Gatsby is definitely one of the most famous INFJ fictional characters in books.

Jay is devoted to the love of his life, Daisy. He does all in his power to ensure Daisy is happy and satisfied. Although he is introverted, Jay doesn’t mind hosting parties because Daisy enjoys them.

Not to mention, Jay makes decisions by using his extraverted feeling function. He follows his emotions and chooses options that benefit Daisy, as his happiness is based upon her.

#2. Lady Galadriel (“Lord of the Rings”)

Lady Galadriel INFJ Personality

Credit: Screen Rant

Galadriel is another INFJ fictional character that heavily uses both of her primary cognitive functions - introverted intuition and extraverted feeling.

Galadriel has a strong intuition and easily spots patterns in people’s behavior, allowing her to see how situations will unfold in the future.

On top of that, Galadriel is very empathetic and warm. She easily sees people’s potential and unique gifts and uses this information to lead people toward their higher purpose.

#3. Remus Lupin (“Harry Potter”)

Remus Lupin MBTI Movie Characters

Credit: Everett Collection

There are several INFJ characters in Harry Potter, but Remus Lupin is the most typical one.

Remus Lupin has a very strong intuition. He’s able to understand other people better than they understand themselves. Similar to the above-mentioned Galadriel, Remus sees the potential of each student and gently guides them towards it.

Remus also cares about his students more than he cares about himself, which is why he isn’t afraid to sacrifice his teaching position for their benefit.

#4. Elizabeth Bennet (“Pride and Prejudice”)

Elizabeth Bennet INFJ Personality Type

Credit: Everett Collection

Elizabeth Bennet is definitely one of the most inspirational INFJ fictional characters.

Elizabeth is guided by her own sense of values, which is why she tends to go against social norms.

On top of that, Elizabeth isn’t afraid to voice her opinions and stand up for herself, which is a challenge many INFJs face. She’s courageous, stubborn, and bravely fights for justice.

#5. Atticus Finch (“To Kill a Mockingbird”)

Atticus Finch INFJ Fictional Characters

Credit: Julieta Cervantes

If there’s one archetypal INFJ fictional character in literature, it’s Atticus Finch.

INFJs believe that all people deserve fair treatment and kindness, and Atticus is no different. He believes in equality and strives to create a better world where all people are treated the same way, regardless of the color of their skin.

Even when he’s ridiculed, Atticus doesn’t betray his values but continues to treat every person with empathy, dignity, and respect.

4 Unhealthy INFJ Fictional Characters

Up until now, we’ve covered mostly healthy INFJ fictional characters - those that fight for justice, have strong morals, and sacrifice themselves for the greater good.

However, as in real life, there are unhealthy INFJ characters in fiction, too.

So, let’s see a few examples of unhealthy INFJ fictional characters.

#1. Jigsaw (Saw)

Jigsaw personality type

Credit: Fiction Database

John Kramer, usually called Jigsaw, is an excellent example of a very unhealthy INFJ fictional character.

Jigsaw is clearly guided by his introverted intuition. He carefully plans his victims’ torture, thinking of all possible scenarios to prevent them from escaping. In short, he’s always two steps ahead of his victims.

Jigsaw also likes to express himself by using a symbolic puppet, and he spends a lot of time explaining why his victims are facing torture.

Deep inside, Jigsaw believes that he’s doing a favor to the world and society as a whole, even though he’s actually doing more harm than good.

#2. Joe Goldberg (You)

Popular INFJ fictional characters

Credit: Netflix

Joe Goldberg is one of the best examples of an unhealthy INFJ fictional character.

Joe quickly falls in love with women before ever talking to them. He creates a fantasy narrative in his head, believing he’s their savior. In pursuit of love, Joe kills multiple people, including his ex-girlfriends, as he believes he’s doing it to protect his loved ones.

Interestingly, the character of Joe Goldberg is actually played by an INFJ celebrity, Penn Badgley.

#3. The Swan Queen (Black Swan)

INFJ personality The Swan Queen

Credit: Searchlight Pictures

Nina Sayers, also called the Swan Queen, is another unhealthy INFJ fictional character.

This portrayal of an unhealthy INFJ essentially shows how perfectionism can be destructive to INFJs, as they can push themselves too hard to succeed.You might also be interested to know that in the movie, Lily (the Black Swan) has the opposite personality type - ESTP.

Also, following the topic, be sure to check out our article on ESTP anime characters. And, if you're a fan of anime, you would for sure like to see other relatable anime characters from different personality types, like ISFP anime characters & ISTJ anime characters!

#4. Amy Dunne (Gone Girl)

INFJ fictional characters

Credit: Everett Collection

Many unhealthy INFJs are manipulative and will go to great lengths to get what they want. Amy Dunne, an unhealthy INFJ female fictional character, is a great example of this.

Amy uses her introverted intuition to create an elaborate plan to ruin her husband’s life. She also uses her extraverted feeling to manipulate people and play with their emotions.

Observed from the perspective of personality type theory, this movie illustrates how INFJ cognitive functions can be misused to cause harm to other people.

If you wanna have a good time and have a laugh, check out our extremely funny and related INFJ memes!

Final Thoughts

And there you have it - now you know about 27 popular INFJ fictional characters!

As you now see, although the INFJ personality type is rare, you can find it across all types of fiction - movies, TV shows, animation, books, and even video games.

Most INFJ fictional characters represent what INFJs truly stand for: justice, equality, compassion, and unconditional love. Some of these fictional characters, however, depict what INFJs look like at their worst.

In any case, INFJs do make memorable and inspiring fictional characters.

So, next time you watch a movie, read a book, or play a video game, make sure to analyze the personality types of characters - chances are they may be INFJs, too!

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