The Ultimate Guide to the INFJ Female Personality

The Ultimate Guide to the INFJ Female Personality

The unique and charming nature of INFJs is well-known to everyone and makes them stand out for a reason. Still, females born with this personality type are an even rarer species and deserve special attention.

Whether you are a proud INFJ girl wishing to learn more about herself or you want to understand INFJ women close to your heart better, this guide is for you.

We will answer all your questions about the enigmatic INFJ female, including:

  • What Are INFJ Women Like?
  • What Are the Key Strengths and Weaknesses of an INFJ Female?
  • How to Build a Close Relationship With an INFJ Female?

And more!

What Are INFJ Women Like?

A specific fusion of opposite personality traits is one of the main reasons why these females are so exceptional.

INFJ women are generally calm, compassionate individuals who have a natural desire to help others and make moral decisions. They also tend to favor stability and good structure, but they are also open to new ideas and solutions.

INFJ Female

INFJ women always believe in their loved ones and encourage them to pursue their dreams. However, it can be hard for them to keep such an attitude in their own lives.

While they are romantic and yearn for a soulmate, female INFJs will not fall for the first person that catches their eye.

Instead, they’ll prepare a huge list containing all the criteria their partner must meet and wait patiently until the right person comes along.

All these differences may seem like too much to handle. Still, they are exactly what helps INFJ women keep the right balance between their strengths and weaknesses.

How rare is an INFJ female?

Female INFJs are one of the “ rarest species” in the world, which often makes them misunderstood. They make up just 1-3% of the population.

Still, they don’t win. INTJ ladies hold the title of the rarest female personality type on the planet. They are thought to make up less than 1% of the world's population.

What Are the Key Strengths of an INFJ Female?

So, how do you begin to understand INFJ females?

The answer is simple—start by getting to know their strengths. Here are some common positive traits you will notice in an INFJ woman:

  • Intuition and well-developed judgment. Females are generally believed to have a strong “gut feeling” and a “sixth sense,” but INFJ women are a textbook example of this trait. They have a special gift for reading people’s feelings and will always notice the slightest changes in your mood or actions.
  • Empathy. Not only does an INFJ woman feel the swings in other people’s emotions, but she also understands them. She can easily put herself in your shoes and analyze your problems and concerns as if they were hers. Besides being excellent listeners, these women love communicating and having meaningful conversations.
  • Firm beliefs. Female INFJs don’t need affirmation from others and won’t back down for any reason if they believe they’re right. They’ll always defend their ideals and raise their voice when necessary, even though they are calm and quiet by nature.
  • Creativity. Just like ENTP females, INFJ women are big thinkers and purposeful dreamers, which makes their imagination come to the surface. They enjoy creative work, such as music, acting, or painting, and come across as imaginative problem-solvers like INTPs.

Tip: If you're further interested in creative work and imaginative problem-solvers like INTPs, who are known for their cognitive functions, but also for analytical skills and innovative ideas, check it out here!

What Are the Main Weaknesses of INFJ Women?

Like all other personality types, female INFJs tend to show some flaws, too. Here are the most prominent ones:

  • Occasional insecurity. INFJ women don’t react well to criticism. It entails insecurity, ruins the harmony they long for, and makes them feel like they aren’t good enough. INFJ females are quite sensitive and tend to take such comments personally even if they are well-meaning.
  • Perfectionism. Female INFJs are dreamers who often aspire to change the world and make it a better place. They usually set high (even unrealistic) expectations for themselves and strive for perfection regardless of whether they can achieve it.
  • Stubbornness. No matter how attractive their determination may be, INFJ females go to extreme lengths for their beliefs and plans. If they have their minds set on something, there’s little you can do to change their opinion, even when they’re wrong.
  • Moodiness. It’s no wonder INFJ women come across as moody. They need to handle all those emotions and opposite traits that characterize them.

What Are INFJ Women Like in Relationships?

As INFJs are quite idealistic, they don’t find satisfaction in meaningless flings. Their expectations go far beyond that.

What they seek is a steady, healthy relationship with someone willing to make a deeper connection with them. However, at times, their standards can become unrealistic, which makes it hard for INFJ women to find a suitable partner.

female INFJ relationship

Female INFJs are loyal and require the same from their love interests. They don’t like conflicts and strive to find someone who is patient and knows how to communicate effectively. Respect, openness, and receptiveness make them want to keep someone in their lives in the long run.

INFJ women are affectionate, but they aren’t always sweet talkers. While they don’t accept criticism gracefully, they tend to speak very candidly. For this reason, they seek partners that lack ego-defensiveness and can accept their words with appreciation.

How to Build a Close Relationship With an INFJ Female?

Went head over heels for an INFJ lady?

Here’s some advice you shouldn’t miss if you want to build a long-term relationship with them:

  • Learn what makes them special. Getting familiar with the INFJ personality type can give you an insight into their minds and expectations.
  • Be the one who initiates. INFJ women are more communicative than some other personality types but are still quite shy. They will appreciate it if you take the first step when it comes to conversations, dates, and other relationship matters.
  • Match their intellectual needs. Female INFJs love discussing various topics, and their thirst for discovery is unquenchable. If you want to keep their attention, engage in deep conversations and show them you share their interests.
  • Always be honest. At times, INFJs may need some time to accept the harsh truth. Still, they will build more trust and appreciate their partner even more if they know what they say is truthful.

3 Most Common Misconceptions About INFJ Females

Now that you know the good and the bad about the INFJ female personality, let’s debunk some common myths about INFJ women:

  • INFJ females read minds. Many people mistake female INFJs’ exceptional intuition for a gift of prophecy, but this is far from the truth. Thanks to Introverted Intuition, the dominant INFJ cognitive function, these women are very sensitive and perceptive. As a result, they can easily read between the lines.
  • INFJ females are cold and selfish. These women don’t hesitate to cut people out of their lives when they are hurt or can’t get some time alone. Still, the famous INFJ door slam doesn’t mean they’re heartless. They usually just need a break since they get consumed by all the emotions they experience.
  • INFJ females are detail-oriented. Even though INFJ women are natural perfectionists, they don’t notice everything that is out of place. When looking for ways to accomplish their goals, they focus on the bigger picture rather than analyzing little things.

3 Examples of Famous INFJ Women

The introverted nature of INFJ females would make us think of them as reserved individuals that don’t like to be in the spotlight. Still, many have built enviable careers thanks to the traits that characterize their personality type.

Here are three typical female INFJ celebrities:

#1. Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman is a perfect prototype of an INFJ female in the celebrity world. Her world-famous artistic tendencies and gentle spirit speak for themselves.

Besides acting, she has enjoyed expressing herself through music ever since she recorded the tunes for “Moulin Rouge.”

As a true INFJ lady, Nicole Kidman also engages in charity work and finds her purpose in helping people in need. For this reason, the magazine Savoir Flair named her “a life-long humanitarian” and “an advocate for children and women.”

#2. Tori Amos

Did you know that Tori Amos comes to the venue hours before her concert just to meet and greet her fans?

She loves having light-hearted chit-chat, asking people about their lives, and offering advice to anyone who needs it. Add her artistry and unique visions to that, and you will get a conventional example of an INFJ woman.

#3. Taylor Swift

Taylor may be the most famous female prototype of this personality type. Her emotional sensitivity and people-pleasing attitude are reflected in both her music and her personal life.

Like Kidman, she’s well-known for her generosity. Millions of dollars from her funds went to health institutions, sexual abuse survivors, widows, and her fans in need.

Also, explore qualities of emotional sensitivity that Selena Gomez and BTS group have in common, which resonate through their music!

Which Hobbies Fit the INFJ Female the Best?

INFJ Personality type

Caring about others and empathizing with them puts emotional pressure on female INFJs. To relieve the stress, they should take up hobbies that will help them focus on themselves, such as:

  • Art. INFJs will have a lot of fun painting, sculpting, making jewelry, or dancing tango. They love everything artsy and usually have at least one creative interest they want to pursue. Art is one of the most popular INFJ hobbies, as it helps them express emotions in a unique way and share them with others.
  • Cooking. INFJ women don’t only cook to engage their sensing side, but also to make something nice (and tasty!) for their loved ones. Experimenting with recipes and new taste combinations brings their creativity to the surface.
  • Meditation. Yoga classes and meditation are perfect ways for INFJ females to relax and clear their minds. They always long for spiritual practice. It comforts them and keeps their inner world active yet peaceful.

4 Best Career Paths for INFJ Females

When searching for the perfect career, INFJ women aspire to choose jobs that will match their beliefs and values.

Thanks to their affection for people and intellectual nature, they are likely to engage in any field related to humanity or science.

Check out some of the most prominent careers for INFJ women:

#1. Healthcare

Working in healthcare is a great opportunity for an INFJ female to help people and improve the quality of their lives. Their intellectual abilities can make them experts in the medical field and bring them impressive careers.

INFJ women who are interested in the health industry can become nurses, doctors, psychologists, or health educators. They will always know how to listen to a person, comfort them, and support them in making positive changes.

#2. Education

Teaching in a classroom full of students might not seem like the perfect job opportunity for a typical INFJ.

Still, women with this personality type enjoy helping young people develop and grow. They love solving problems and conveying their knowledge to others by making it easily digestible.

Their impact on students will also make them feel valuable and productive. For this reason, they’ll love working as tutors, professors, high school teachers, or similar.

#3. HR

Solid communication skills are one of the best characteristics of INFJ females. Thanks to them, these women are excellent collaborators and great at encouraging their teammates. Such traits make them perfect candidates for any HR-related job.

They will gladly guide new employees, support the existing ones, and easily solve complex HR matters. Depending on their interests, they can work as HR specialists, managers, generalists, or something similar.

#4. Writing

Thanks to their vivid imagination, INFJ females make amazing writers. While they usually excel in creative writing, their possibilities don’t stop there.

They can be talented copywriters, content writers, or bloggers. INFJ women can write blog posts, how-to guides, instruction manuals, and other materials as if it’s the easiest thing in the world.

And, since INFJ females love research, their work will always be factually correct and full of relevant information.

Different Careers for introverted types

Also, check out our comprehensive guide to the rare INFJ Male Personality!

FAQ About the INFJ Female

#1. How can you tell if a girl is an INFJ?

Spotting an INFJ girl isn’t simple. They don’t have any physical traits that can help you determine their personality type.

That said, INFJ women tend to be quiet and caring. If you challenge their opinions, however, they can be very stubborn.

You can feel the unique presence of INFJ girls once you get closer to their calming aura. Not only will they make you feel peaceful—they will also listen to you and make you feel heard.

#2. Are INFJ females feminine?

There is no correct answer to this question, as INFJ women boast both masculine and feminine stereotypical qualities.

They can be quite strong, ambitious, and authoritative, which can make them seem bolder than a stereotypical woman. Still, to most people, they seem feminine due to their sensitivity, fragility, and compassion.

#3. What are INFJ eyes like?

The INFJ stare is similar to a laser beam—that’s how intensive it can be! The eyes can be of any color and shape but will still delve deep into your soul, trying to unravel all its secrets.

These females also don’t blink much when looking at people, which makes their gaze even more mystical.

Key Takeaways

Exploring the complicated but lovely world of INFJ women may be a challenge. After all, they are mysterious and full of contradictions, which often leads to misconceptions.

Still, learning to understand the creative, empathetic, and intuitive INFJ female is worth every second of the effort put forth.

The spirituality and intellectual glow of INFJ women will influence your entire world and enrich your life in a special way. And, if you learn how to feel their pulse, you will have a loyal friend or soulmate for life!

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