17+ Most Typical INFJ Anime Characters & Villains

17+ Most Typical INFJ Anime Characters & Villains

If there’s one thing the INFJ personality type is famous for, it's rarity. Because they’re so uncommon, INFJs often feel lonely and misunderstood.

Luckily, INFJs aren’t so rare in anime. In fact, it’s not uncommon to find several INFJ characters in a single anime!

So, if you’re looking for INFJ anime characters you can relate to, look no further!

Read along and discover the complex nature of 17+ most typical INFJ anime characters, including villains.

Main INFJ Personality Type Traits

Highly sensitive people

Before we jump into exploring the depiction of INFJs in anime, let’s briefly run through the main INFJ personality type traits. This way, you’ll be able to identify INFJs in your favorite anime yourself!

So, here are the most common personality traits among INFJs:

  • Sensitivity. INFJs are highly sensitive people that care about society at large as much as they care about their loved ones. They’re compassionate, empathetic, and skilled listeners.
  • Fairness. If there’s one thing INFJs hate, it’s the lack of equality and justice. Despite being soft-spoken and introverted, INFJs don’t hold themselves back when it’s time to speak out about any type of injustice.
  • Need to have a purpose. Many INFJs have a sense of mission from a young age. Knowing they’re different from most people pushes INFJs to find their unique calling in life.
  • Emotional and logical nature. Despite being feelers, INFJs value logic, facts, and critical thinking. For this reason, some INFJs can be mistaken for thinkers.
  • Fear of conflict. Because of their sensitivity, INFJs aren’t comfortable with confrontation and conflict.
  • Insightfulness. INFJs are deeply intuitive and perceptive. Because of this, they can easily spot lies, minor shifts in your mood, and other details

7 Quintessential INFJ Anime Characters

INFJ anime characters

Now that you know the main personality traits of INFJs, let’s see how they’re depicted in anime!

Here are seven INFJ anime characters you’ll definitely relate to:

#1. Izuku Midoriya ‘Deku’ (My Hero Academy)

Deku is the main protagonist of My Hero Academy and a great example of an INFJ anime character.

Deku is guided by introverted intuition (Ni), the dominant INFJ cognitive function, to find new ways to improve his abilities. However, he doesn’t do it out of self-interest. Led by extraverted feeling (Fe), Deku uses his powers to help and protect others.

Besides that, Deku is a gentle, empathetic boy. In true INFJ fashion, he can sacrifice himself for the benefit of others without asking for anything in return.

#2. Naomi Misora (Death Note)

Despite having a short role in Death Note, Naomi Misora’s character is among the most typical examples of INFJ anime characters.

A former FBI agent, Naomi Misora is highly intuitive and perceptive. Naomi heavily relies on Ni to find patterns and connections between different people and events to solve murder cases.

Still, what leads to Naomi’s demise is her compassionate and trusting nature. Guided by extraverted feeling, INFJs tend to believe that people are inherently good. And, because they’re so genuine, INFJs typically expect honesty from others, too. However, in Naomi’s case, trusting the wrong people led to her untimely death.

This serves as a cautionary tale for INFJs to avoid over relying on their extraverted feeling—listening to your heart (Fe) without consulting your intuition (Ni) and logical thinking (Ti) can do more harm than good.

#3. Norman (Promised Neverland)

Although Norman from Promised Neverland often seems to rely on logic and critical thinking, he’s one of the most accurate embodiments of the INFJ-A personality type.

Thanks to his well-developed Ni, Norman is a master strategist. Seeking to protect his community against demons, he considers all possible situations and creates several foolproof plans and strategies.

Like most INFJs, Norman is able to read between the lines and understand other people’s underlying motives.

What makes Norman different from other INFJ anime characters, however, is the fact that his Ti function is very well-developed. Besides making him very smart and a great mathematician, this also leads him to often be mistyped as an INTP.

To see what really distinguishes INFJ from INTP, check our walkthrough on INTP cognitive functions and the difference between INTP-a & INTP-t personality traits!

#4. Sailor Saturn (Sailor Moon)

Hotaru Tomoe, or Sailor Saturn, is an INFJ anime character that accurately represents the complex nature of INFJs.

Hotaru Tomoe is a timid and shy girl. As many INFJs, she struggles to build deep, long-lasting friendships. She’s aware of her dark personality traits and weaknesses, making sure to keep them under control so that no one gets hurt.

However, once Hotaru becomes Sailor Saturn, her whole demeanor changes. As Sailor Saturn, Hotaru becomes fascinated with destruction. Her attitude becomes serious, stern, and somber.

Although Hotaru shows some traits of an unhealthy INFJ personality, this doesn’t make her an anime villain. Just like other sailors, she does everything in her power to protect the world from the powers of evil, even if this means having to sacrifice herself.

#5. Kenshin Himura (Rurouni Kenshin)

Kenshin Himura, the protagonist of Rurouni Kenshin, is another INFJ anime character in which you’ll definitely recognize yourself!

Kenshin is a deeply intuitive INFJ male. He has had premonitory dreams, but his intuition shines the brightest on the battleground. Thanks to it, Kenshin is able to connect with his enemies and their emotions, which allows him to anticipate their next moves.

Despite being a fighter, Kenshin is a peace-maker. Because of his intuition and innate ability to connect with people, Kenshin is able to turn fights into therapy sessions, enemies into friends, and thus avoid bloodshed.

#6. Haku (Spirited Away)

Haku is one of the INFJ anime characters that are often categorized as a different personality type. Because Haku heavily uses Ni—the dominant function of both INTJs and INFJs—it’s not uncommon to see him being typed as an INTJ.

However, Haku is highly idealistic and ethical, which are traits associated with INFJs. Haku is cautious and caring towards others. He has a deep sense of right and wrong.

Not to mention, he’s excellent at chess, which is one of the best hobbies for INFJs!

#7. Kurenai Yuhi (Naruto)

Kurenai Yuhi is the leader of a ninja team called Team Kurenai. While many INFJs choose careers in education and enjoy working with children, this isn’t the only reason why Kurenai is a quintessential INFJ anime character.

Besides showing her teaching skills, Kurenai aspires to build close relationships with her students. This leads her to take a motherly role in Hinata’s upbringing, as she helps her deal with her father’s absence and become a better, more balanced person.

3 Hunter x Hunter INFJ Anime Characters

INFJ anime characters

Hunter x Hunter is one of the best anime series in terms of INFJ representation.

So, which INFJ anime characters on Hunter x Hunter do this rare personality type justice? Let’s find out!

#1. Abengane

Although INFJs are emotional people, they often keep their emotions hidden and under control. In this regard, Abengane from Hunter x Hunter is no different.

Abengane could be described as cool, calm, and collected. Like most INFJ-A personalities, he doesn’t blow his top even under stress, which allows him to make strategic decisions. Besides that, this character is also very intelligent, passionate, and modest.

#2. Senritsu/Melody

One of the greatest strengths of INFJs is the ability to see painful experiences as an opportunity to help others.

Oprah Winfrey, a famous INFJ talk show host, is the perfect example of this. After having suffered childhood abuse, Oprah played an important role in the passage of the National Child Protection Act.

In the anime world, Melody is perhaps the best example of an INFJ anime character whose kind spirit can’t be defeated by bad experiences. Despite becoming deformed after listening to an enchanted song, Melody dedicates her life to making sure that the song doesn’t harm anyone else.

#3. Bill

If there’s one INFJ anime character from Hunter x Hunter all INFJs can relate to, it’s definitely Bill.

Like most INFJs, Bill does his best to avoid conflict. Because he’s convinced that Woble won’t get into any heated fights, Bill decides to protect him. He commits to guarding Woble at any cost, even if that means having to sacrifice his own life.

On top of that, Bill is easy-going and diplomatic. He doesn’t give unsolicited advice, and he’s able to find a common ground even with the most difficult characters, such as Kurapika.

3 Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) INFJ Anime Characters

Attack on Titans

Similarly to Hunter x Hunter, Attack on Titan is another anime that has multiple INFJ characters.

Curious to find out who they are? Let’s jump right in!

#1. Armin Arlert

Armin is a heavy Ni user, and it isn’t hard to tell why—he tends to think about all the possible outcomes of a situation before making any decisions. This also makes him a great strategist.

Besides being an excellent planner, Armin is also diplomatic, creative, and conflict-avoidant. Nonetheless, when the situation calls for it, Armin can be emotionally manipulative to achieve his goals, which adds complexity to this INFJ anime character.

#2. Grisha Yeager

Stubbornness is a common INFJ personality trait that is rarely depicted in anime. This makes Grisha Yeager one of the most unique INFJ anime characters. When Grisha puts his mind to something, no one can talk him out of it—not even his own mother.

Although Grisha Yeager isn’t a villain, he’s a great example of an unhealthy INFJ. Besides being impulsive, Grisha is also obsessed with achieving his dreams and doesn’t care how his actions affect others.

#3. Falco Grice

Falco Grice is another INFJ anime character that is often mistyped, most often as an ISFP or an ENFJ.

Most likely, this is because ENFJ and INFJ personality types (as well as ISFP to a certain extent) use the same cognitive functions, only in a different order.

Note: We have a guide on ISFP anime characters, so make sure to explore it. You can also check other articles about anime, such as ISFJ anime characters & ISTJ anime characters, to get a better understanding of how each personality type differs from one other!

What makes Falco a true INFJ, however, is his sense of purpose. Falco is very compassionate and believes that it’s his responsibility to save others. To ensure other people’s safety, he isn’t afraid of putting himself at risk.

5 Best INFJ Anime Villains

Personality types as villains

INFJs are quiet, compassionate, and understanding, but that doesn’t mean they’re all sunshine and rainbows.

In fact, some of the most cruel anime villains happen to be INFJ, so let’s see who they are!

#1. Itachi Uchiha (Naruto)

If INFJs had to be described in just one word, it would probably be “complex,” and it’s one of the most accurate words to describe Itachi’s personality. Technically, Itachi Uchiha isn’t a villain—he’s an anti-villain.

Although Itachi kills nearly all members of his own clan, he doesn’t do it out of malicious intent. In fact, he only resorted to killing to prevent a full-blown war in his village, which only proves he’s a Ni-Fe personality.

#2. Yuno Gasai (Mirai Nikki)

INFJs are known for being loyal, and Yuno Gasai is an INFJ anime character that takes loyalty to the extreme.

Although she’s typically gentle and sweet, Yuno is an unhealthy INFJ female—her love for Yuki borders on obsession. Yuno has no mercy for anyone who she believes threatens her and Yuki’s relationship, and she often uses violence to get her own way.

Besides being impulsive, Yuno also tends to get lost in her thoughts, which is common among INFJs experiencing “grip” stress.

#3. Chrollo Lucilfer (Hunter x Hunter)

We’ve already covered Hunter x Hunter INFJ anime characters, but here’s one INFJ villain from the series—Chrollo Lucilfer.

Thanks to his Ni and Fe functions, Chrollo Lucilfer is capable of understanding other people’s emotions and noticing what makes them tick. As an anime villain, however, Chrollo takes advantage of this information to manipulate people.

On top of that, Chrollo tends to use poetic language and sometimes speaks in metaphors, which is very characteristic of INFJs.

#4. Johan Liebert (Monster)

Johan Liebert is another manipulative INFJ anime character. He uses his charm and the ability to influence crowds to take advantage of people and make them embrace their dark sides.

Like many other villainous INFJ fictional characters, Johan is guided by his vision of the future. And, although Johan aims to create chaos and destruction, he is still able to convince masses of people to follow his lead—all thanks to his Fe.

#5. Sosuke Aizen (Bleach)

By now, you might’ve noticed a pattern: most evil INFJ anime characters use their visionary Ni and sensitive Fe to control others. Sosuke Aizen only proves this “rule” to be true.

Sosuke has a calm, gentle attitude. Like most INFJs both in fiction and in real life, Sosuke can’t simply accept the world the way it is and has an inner understanding of how the world is supposed to be. And, of course, he knows exactly how to get there!

Like most INFJ anime villains, Sosuke doesn’t typically control people physically. Instead, he uses his emotional intelligence to win people over and convince them to follow him.

Final Thoughts

And that’s a wrap—now you know which anime characters are typical INFJs!

Just as INFJs in real life, INFJ anime characters are very complex and different. Some are peace-makers, while others are villains; some are quiet, calculated, logical thinkers, while others are more in tune with their feelings.

Still, one thing remains true for all INFJ anime characters: they’re all future-oriented personalities that want to change the world.

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